CBM_Si_2007-Meeting at GSI, Darmstadt
April 18 - 20, 2007 -
Registered Participants Information

The following information was stored on 02.04.2007 :

Title: Mr.
Last Name: Zaunick
First Name: Hans-Georg
E-Mail: hg.zaunickphysik.tu-dresden.de
Affiliation for Badge: TU Dresden
Institute: IKTP
Address (Street): Zellescher Weg 19
Postal Code, City: 01069 Dresden
Country: Germany
Phone: 0351-34425
Arrival Date: April 18
Departure Date: April 20
Hotel Information: GSI Guesthouse and Hostel

If you have any technical problems with or suggestions to these web pages, please send an e-mail to Ingolf Giese.
Creation: July 12, 2006; Last update: January 31, 2007