Kick-Off Event
Symposium on the physics at FAIR -

November 7 - 8, 2007
GSI, Darmstadt, Germany

The following information was stored on 05.10.2007 :

Title: Mr.
Family Name : Miralles
First Name : Lluís
Affiliation for Badge: CELLS
Institute: Consortium for the Exploitation of the Synchrotron Light Lab
Address (Street): Ed. Ciències Mod. C-5 Senars Campus UAB
Postal Code, City: 08193
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 935 924 352
Fax: +34 935 924 439
Kick-Off Event
November 7:
Symposium on Physics
November 8:
Hotel Information: None

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If you have any technical problems with or suggestions to these web pages, please send an e-mail to Ingolf Giese.
Creation: July 12, 2006; Last update: September 25, 2007