is derived from
and should contain
's can be executed during CDE
are not executed by default since they may contain incompatible
terminal commands such as tset,stty
To enable profile execution:
's and
(the default user profile):
if [ ! "$DT" -a ! "$VUE" ]; then ... # here all stty, tset commands etc else . /etc/profile # common profile execution in case of VUE fi
's individually activate the line with
VUE=true; ...and, if applicable, adapt
cp /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/HPterm.ad /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/HPtermIn the files
, respectively:
xterm*saveLines: 4s xterm*scrollBar: True HPterm*saveLines: 4s HPterm*scrollBar: Truewhere
specifies lines to be saved "four screens" deep.
Note that then /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/%N
must appear in the
if ($term == "hp") then set prompt="%{`echotc smkx`%}$prompt" endifNote that by doing that you cannot use pgup and pgdn to scroll... Also if you are using termcap, replace "smkx" with "ks"...
hpterm has two modes for the behavior of the arrow keys. The default, keypad_local mode, moves the cursor around the window as you see. The keypad_xmit mode sends escape sequences when you press the arrow keys. Those escape sequences can be interpreted by an editor or the shell. You can change the mode using the escape sequences output by "tput smkx" for starting keypad_xmit mode and "tput rmkx" for starting keypad_local mode. The vi editor already uses those sequences, returning the arrow keys to keypad_local mode when it finishes. To use keypad_xmit mode in a shell, you potentially need to get the smkx escape sequence output after every command. You can do that by putting the escape sequence in the shell prompt string. For posix-sh you could to that with PS1="$PS1$(tput smkx)".
The new configuration must be saved.
The X server will be restarted.
Configurations are stored in /etc/X11/X?screens