The following document has been passed to us by Hewlett Packard for 
information only, to assist Apollo/Domain and Series 700/HP-UX users who 
require to operate both workstation families side by side or who are planning
to migrate from one to the other. 

The provision of this information should not be taken as a commitment by HP to 
provide services based on its contents. Users with particular questions 
arising from this information are invited to send them to Alan Silverman 
(alan@cernapo) who will pass them to HP.


        *                                                       *
        *                                                       *

        Rev. B, 2/13/92 

                    Interoperability Field Handbook

The purpose of this document is to help incorporate
an HP/Apollo 9000 Series 700 workstation into an existing
DomainOS network.   It will guide the System Administrator
through the basic steps needed to: set up accounts for their
users, establish system to system communication, create
"transparent" file access, and deliver compute resource
sharing. Every attempt has been made to include references
to the supporting HP/Apollo documentation.

The directions contained within this paper were developed
by an HP Technical Consultant working with a test network
of three machines.  This setup consisted of one HP/Apollo
9000 Series 700 Model 720 running the HP-UX operating system,
and two HP/Apollo 9000 Series 400 Model 425S systems - one
with DomainOS as it's operating system and the other with
HP-UX.  These three workstations were connected to one another
via Ethernet.  A complete description of the hardware and
software used is included in appendix A2.

In order to address the task at hand without reiterating the
contents of the HP/Apollo manual sets, certain assumptions
were made.  These qualifications were chosen to help direct
the flow of the instructions and aid in their readability.

The choices made:

    A. The audience is made up of experienced DomainOS
       System Administrators.

    B. They are comfortable working in one of the two UNIX
       user environments available under DomainOS.
       (i.e. bsd4.3 or sys5.3, and use one of the following
        command shells: /bin/sh, /bin/csh, or /bin/ksh)

    C. They have a basic familiarity with the "vi" editor.
       (i.e. can open a file, change strings, add text,
        delete text, save a file)

    D. Their networks MAY make use of some or all of these
       software products in the course of day-to-day operations:

          1) TCP/IP Communications (ftp,telnet,rlogin,rcp)

          2) X window system (active daemon: Xapollo, X)

          3) Motif window manager (/usr/bin/X11/mwm)

          4) NFS (Network File System)

          5) LPR for printing

          6) Electronic Mail (Sendmail)

          7) Omniback

          8) Task Broker

    E. HP/Apollo documentation for the DomainOS and HP-UX 8.0X
       operating systems and applications products, are on hand
       for reference.

    F. Network connections are in place to attach the Series 700
       machine to the Ethernet.

    G. The installed "network" is either all Ethernet based, or
       has a working "gateway" between the Apollo Token Ring and
       the Ethernet.  (One of the DomainOS systems might have two
       network cards in it, or a Proteon device is in use, ...)

    H. The Series 700 system was ordered with "Instant Ignition"
       or has had the operating system installed at some earlier

       *If your system arrives WITHOUT an installed operating system,
       you will need to refer to the "Installing and Updating HP-UX
       8.0x " manual, part number B2355-90000 (where x is the increment
       number for this operating system release, such as 5, etc ...).
       This manual provides step by step procedures for installing or
       updating system software products.

    I. The implementor makes sure they are familiar with these
       two HP-UX utilities: UPDATE and SAM.  Descriptions can be
       found in these manuals:

           Installing and Updating HP-UX (B2355-90000)
             Chapter 5 - Updating HP-UX

           System Administration Tasks (B2355-90003)
             Chapter 1 - Introduction to System Administration

       UPDATE is used to install software onto the machine.

       SAM stands for System Administration Manager, and aids in
       system configuration and customization.

    J. If the media selection for software products and documentation
       was CD (compact disk), become familiar with the LaserROM manual
       viewing utility.  See appendix D.

The Interoperability Handbook is divided up into ten sections.
Each portion deals with one aspect of the job to be done.
The ordering is deliberately arranged to move the administrator
through the range of activities they need to complete in a logical
fashion.  The first chapter devotes itself to the configuration
and verification of basic communications.  Then the TCP/IP
utilities are used to add user accounts, provide underlying
connectivity for NFS, etc ...

  Section I:    TCP/IP Communications
  Section II:   User Accounts / Registry Services
  Section III:  NFS (Network File System) Services
  Section IV:   Electronic Mail
  Section V:    Task Broker
  Section VI:   Omniback
  Section VII:  Printing Services
  Section VIII: File Typing
  Section IX:   Single vs. Multi-processing
  Section X:    NCS (Network Computing System)

A series of appendices accompanies this document.  They provide
information on the test network used, how to shutdown an HP-UX
system, etc ...

  Appendix A1: Minimum hardware/software configurations for
  Appendix A2: Test network configuration.
  Appendix B: General interoperability hints/features/bugs.
  Appendix C: HP-UX system shutdown procedures.
  Appendix D: On-line documentation. (LaserROM)
  Appendix E:

If time permits, it is recommended that the administrator
attend a training course on HP-UX system administration or
look over the following HP-UX manuals before beginning the
integration project.

    How HP_UX Works: Concepts for the System Administrator

    System Administration Tasks manual

    Installing and Updating HP-UX 8.05

    Shells: User's Guide

    Finding Information

    HP-UX Reference

    A Beginner's Guide to HP-UX

To obtain information on Hewlett-Packard Educational offerings or
register for specific classes: in the United States, call toll free
1-800-472-5277 or contact your local Hewlett-Packard office.

Basic User Information

In order to successfully complete the integration of an HP-UX
system into your DomainOS network, these few specifications
must be noted:

    1. The integrator MUST be able to become root or gain
       superuser privileges on the DomainOS network and
       on the new HP-UX workstation.

    2. In this handbook, references to machines are noted as:

        - a DomainOS system on the network is known as "domain_box"

        - the DomainOS system that bridges an Apollo Token Ring
            network to an Ethernet, can be referred to by two
            names (kept in the /etc/hosts file)
                  "atr_gate" and/or "eth_gate"
            The name reflects which network side your request is
            coming from.

        - an HP-UX machine will be called "hp-ux_box"

     3. For ease of notation, a # is used for the generic shell
        prompt in the examples provided.

     4. The default login shell on the HP-UX system for root is
        the Korn shell (/bin/ksh).

     5. Example output used to demonstrate the computer's responses
        contains date/time/version stamps, internet addresses and
        hostnames that AREN'T real.  This information is network and
        workstation specific - please remember to substitute your
        site's values when executing any of the documented commands.

     6. Insure that you have obtained an IP address for all of the
        machines that you are going to "network".

     7. It has proven beneficial to insure that the DomainOS machines
        have the Berkeley (BSD4.3) environment installed; and that the
        node itself - believe that "bsd" is it's native environment.
        See the "/etc/environ" file located on each DomainOS workstation.


Section I. TCP/IP Communications

ARPA Services is a combination of utilities developed by the
University of California at Berkeley (UCB), Cornell University,
Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU).  These offerings allow
file transfers, remote logins, remote command execution, lookup
services, and electronic messages between computer systems.

The suite of services available on these machines are:

    Service    Description           DomainOS     HP-UX
    telnet    remote terminal login      Y          Y
    rlogin    remote terminal login      Y          Y
    rsh       remote command execution   Y          N
    remsh     remote command execution   N          Y
    rexec     returns stream to command  Y          Y
    ftp       file transfer              Y          Y
    tftp      trivial file transfer      Y          Y
    talk      talk service.              Y          N
    biff      mail notification          Y          N
    finger    user identification        Y          Y

The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) Name Server offers
network information lookup services.  It complements the
ARPA services by providing host name and address resolution
for a collection of machines.  It centralizes the network
address information.  Client machines simply refer to the
system they to wish to contact by name, and the name
daemon (named) comes up with the correct address to be used in
completing the user's request.  Client systems refer to the
/etc/resolv.conf file to determine which networked machine is
the one to use for naming services.

Notations to be aware of:

    Network designation        Network Type        Host
    lo0                        loopback            Both
    dr0/dr1                    Apollo Token Ring   DomainOS
    eth0/eth1                  Ethernet (802.3)    DomainOS
    itr0/itr1                  IBM Token Ring      DomainOS
    lan0                       Ethernet (802.3)    HP-UX

Reference Texts:


        Planning for TCP/IP (D-10483-A)

        Configuring and Managing TPC/IP Products (D-8543-B)


        Installing and Administering LAN/9000 (98194-60526)

        Installing and Administering ARPA Services (B1014-90007)

        Using ARPA Services (B1014-90008)


    Working TCP/IP services on at least one DomainOS system.

    Physical connections to the Ethernet network for at least
    one DomainOS system and the HP-UX workstation.

    IP addresses for the Ethernet connected machines.

General Activities
   Determine if your DomainOS network is using the BSD name
   server to handle host name and address resolution.  Log in
   to your Domain node and query the system to see if the required
   daemon is running.

      At the shell prompt, type:

          # ps -e   (for sys5.3 users)
          # ps -aux (for bsd4.3 users)

      Look for: "named"

   NAMED may not be running on every node. Client systems
   will rely upon a file called /etc/resolv.conf to locate
   a naming server.  If "named" is not running, check to see
   if /etc/resolv.conf exists.

      At the system prompt, type:
           # cat /etc/resolv.conf

      A node using name services might respond with:

        ;          /etc/resolv.conf file for hp.com
        domain          hp.com

      When the node isn't using name services, it might respond:

            /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory

   --->NOTE: If BIND is in use at your site, please skip the
             remainder of this section and refer to:

             Installing and Administering ARPA Services
                Chapter 4 - Configuring and Maintaining the BIND
                            Name Server  (B1014-90007)

DomainOS Activities
Reference text:

  Planning for TCP/IP (D-10483-A)

  Configuring and Managing TPC/IP Products (D-8543-B)

  1. Make sure that the necessary daemons are active on the DomainOS
     TCP/IP gateway machine.

     Note: If your network is made up of a single section of
     Ethernet, you may select any of the systems for this

     At the shell prompt, type:

          # ps -e   (for sysV.3 users)
          # ps -aux (for bsd4.3 users)

     Look for: "tcpd" and "inetd".

  2. Test out the TCP/IP facilities on the DomainOS TCP/IP
     gateway. Issue the /etc/ping command from the gateway,
     specifying the gateway machine as the designated host.

     Note: If your network is made up of a single section of
     Ethernet, you may select any of the systems for this

     At the shell prompt, type:

          # /etc/ping domain_box 64 2

     System response could look like:

          PING domain_box: 64 data bytes
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
          ----tcp PING statistics----
          2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss ...

     If your receive a valid PING response continue with step 3.

     Incorrect responses will return messages like:

         "Timed out (10 seconds) waiting for echo reply"

     If this occurs refer to the DomainOS manuals for TCP/IP
     troubleshooting help.

  3. Inspect the "/etc/inetd.conf" file, to verify that the
     desired ARPA services have been selected for use.  The
     "inetd" daemon refers to this file upon startup.  All lines
     beginning with a pound sign (#) guarantee that INCOMING
     requests for that service will NOT be honored.

     At the shell prompt, type:

          # cat /etc/inetd.conf

     System response could look like:

          # inetd (Internet daemon) configuration file
          # tells inetd how to startup daemons for things in /etc/services
          # Format is:
          # service  socket  proto- wait/         server        server
          # name     type    col    nowait  user  program path  program args
          # telnetd/rlogind allow incoming login.
          telnet     stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/telnetd  telnetd
          login      stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/rlogind  rlogind
          # rshd/rexecd offer remote command execution.
          shell      stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/rshd     rshd
          exec       stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/rexecd   rexecd
          # ftpd offers file transfer services.
          ftp        stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/ftpd     ftpd
          # tftpd offers UDP_based file transfer services.
          #tftp      dgram   udp    wait    tftp  /etc/tftpd    tftpd
          # ntalkd offers new 4.3BSD talk service.
          #ntalk     dgram   udp    wait    root  /etc/ntalkd   ntalkd
          # biff (comsat) offers notification of incoming SMTP mail.
          #biff      dgram   udp    wait    root  /etc/comsat   comsat
          # fingerd offers finger user identification service.
          #finger    stream  tcp    nowait  root  /etc/fingerd  fingerd

     Here the only services active for INCOMING requests are: telnet,
     rlogin, rsh, rexec, and ftp.

  4. Now try out the "ftp" protocol between the TCP/IP gateway and
     another networked DomainOS node.

     At the shell prompt, type:

          # ftp domain_box

     System response could look like:

           connected to domain_box.
           220 domain_box FTP server (Version SR10.1-4.3 ... ) Ready
           Name (domain_box:root):

     At this point you know that file transfer capability is active
     on the DomainOS network from the gateway node.

  5. Insure that an entry exists in the DomainOS "/etc/hosts" file
     for the gateway node on the Ethernet network.

        # cat /etc/hosts      localhost    domain_box    atr_gate    (ATR address)
            .    eth_gate   (Ethernet address)

  6. Determine if the Ethernet network connection in the gateway
     node is active.

     At the shell prompt, type:

           # /etc/ifconfig eth0

     A positive system response would look like:

           eth0: flags=43<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING>
                 inet netmask ff000000 ... macaddr ...

     If the Ethernet network controller is NOT in the workstation
     chasis, the system response may look like:

           ifconfig: net (open) cannot open device - unkonown network port
           eth0: macaddr (status 2b0003)

     If the Ethernet controller is in the computer, but the "eth0"
     entry in "/etc/rc.local" hasn't been activated, the system
     response might look like:

           ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): no such interface

     With a negative response, refer to the DomainOS manuals for
     TCP/IP troubleshooting help.

  7. When the physical network combines Apollo Token Ring and
     Ethernet, or if it is composed of multiple Ethernet segments,
     it is a good idea to try out the TCP/IP services across the
     network bridge.  This will only be valuable if there are other
     computers currently residing on the section of the Ethernet
     to which you will connect the HP-UX machine. If this is true,
     reissue the tests noted in steps 2 and 3, specifying the name
     of one of these other systems.

     If problems occur, refer to the DomainOS manuals for TCP/IP
     troubleshooting help.

  8. Edit the existing /etc/hosts file to include an entry for the
     HP-UX system.

        # cat /etc/hosts      localhost    domain_box    atr_gate    (ATR address)
            .    eth_gate    (Ethernet address)    hp-ux_box

  9. The /etc/hosts.equiv file may also be modified to include the
     HP-UX machine.  A number of ARPA services (rcp, rsh, ...)
     access this file to identify and accept requests from other systems.

        # cat /etc/hosts.equiv

You could continue trying other TCP/IP utilities, such as rlogin.
However the testing that you have done, should prove to be sufficient
for verifying that TCP/IP services are working on the DomainOS

An exhaustive check of your network for TCP/IP services, would include
searching all systems for the TCP/IP daemons, and then trying out telnet
and ftp services between every pair of machines.

HP-UX Activities
Reference text:

  Installing and Administering ARPA Services (B1014-90007)
     Chapter 2 - Installing ARPA Services

  1. Verify that the ARPA Services daemons were installed during
     the OS software installation process.  They reside in the
     /etc directory.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # ls /etc

     Some of the daemons to look for are:

            bootpd     inetd      rlogind
            fingerd    named      rwhod
            ftpd       remshd     telnetd
            gated      rexecd     tftpd

  2. See if an /etc/hosts file exists in the /etc directory.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # ll /etc/hosts  (ll is a built-in HP-UX alias for "ls -alg)

     The system response could look like:

            -r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 470 May 11 02:00 /etc/hosts

     If the file exists, continue with step 3.  Otherwise,
     there are two ways to "create" the /etc/hosts files.
     You could copy over a template version from the
     /etc/newconfig directory or make the file by hand.

     A. Copying the template from /etc/newconfig is simple:

        At the shell prompt, type:

            # cp /etc/newconfig/hosts /etc/hosts
            # chown bin /etc/hosts
            # chgrp bin /etc/hosts
            # chmod 444 /etc/hosts

     B. Alternatively, the file can be created by hand:

        At the shell prompt, type:

            # touch /etc/hosts
            # chown bin /etc/hosts
            # chgrp bin /etc/hosts
            # chmod 444 /etc/hosts

  3. Now edit the /etc/hosts file to include the address of the
     DomainOS TCP/IP gateway node that resides on this LAN
     (local area network) segment, and the IP address you want
     the Series 700 system to use.  This file should contain an
     entry for the loopback connection.

     The resulting file could look like this:

        # cat /etc/hosts       localhost      loopback    hp-ux_box    eth_gate

     As an alternative, file transfer services could be used to bring
     over the DomainOS version of "/etc/hosts".  This is the GUTSY approach
     because it assumes that the networking is up and active.

            connected to
            220 eth_gate FTP server (Version SR10.1-4.3 ... ) Ready
            Name (
            331 Password required for _______.
            230 User ______ logged in.
            ftp> cd /etc
            250 CWD command successful.
            ftp> get hosts /etc/hosts
            200 PORT command successful.
            150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for hosts
                (15,.14.212.84,1062) (359 bytes)
            226 Transfer complete.
            369 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (101.94 Kbytes/s)
            ftp> quit
            221 Goodbye.

  4. Determine how this HP-UX system is mapping host names to addresses.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # nslookup hp-ux_box

     When the system is using "/etc/hosts", the response might look like:

            Using /etc/hosts on: hp-ux_box
            Name:      hp-ux_box
            Aliases:   cobra

     If you receive any other answer from the "nslookup" utility,
     please refer to the "Installing and Administering ARPA Services"
     manual for additional instructions.  (Chapter 2 - Installing
     ARPA Services)

  5. Use the "/etc/netstat" utility to see which network interfaces are
     available on this HP-UX machine.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # /etc/netstat -i

     System response could look like:

            Name Mtu  Network   Address   Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
            lo0  1536 loopback   327    14    56     1    0
            lan0 1500 15.14.212 hp-ux_box  1125     1   111    23    1

     If a network is down, it's name will have an asterisk (*)
     after it.  Refer to the manuals for troubleshooting help.

     Example of a "downed" Ethernet network:

            Name  Mtu  Network   Address   Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll
            lo0   1536 loopback   327    14    56     1    0
            lan0* 1500 15.14.212 hp-ux_box  1125     1   111    23    1

  6. Invoke the "/etc/ifconfig" utility to see additional specifics
     related to the loopback and the lan0 interfaces.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # /etc/ifconfig lo0

     System response should look like:

            lo0: flags=9<UP,LOOPBACK>
               inet netmask ff000000

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # /etc/ifconfig lan0

     System response could look like:

            lan0: flags=63<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING>
               inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast

     If the network connection is NOT available, the system
     response would look like:

            ifconfig: no such interface

     With a negative response, refer to the manuals for help.

  7. Look at the "/etc/inetd.conf" file to make sure that all of the
     services that the inetd daemon should accept requests from, will
     be activated at system boot time (the associated line in the
     "/etc/inetd.conf" file should be uncommented.)

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # cat /etc/inetd.conf

     System response should look like:

        # @(#)$Header: inetd.conf, v 16.5 90/07/19 16:37 jmc Exp $
        # Inetd reads its configuration information from this file upon
        # execution and at some later time if its is reconfigured.
        # The number of entries in this file must not exceed _NFILE - 10.
        # _NFILE is defined in <stdio.h>.
        #         ARPA/Berkeley services
        ftp       stream tcp nowait root /etc/ftpd    ftpd -l
        telnet    stream tcp nowait root /etc/telnetd telnetd
        tftp      dgram  udp wait   root /etc/tftpd   tftpd
        #bootps    dgram  udp wait   root /etc/bootpd  bootpd

  8. Test the loopback connection on this HP-UX workstation.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # /etc/ping localhost 64 2

     System response should look like:

            PING localhost: 64 byte packets
            64 bytes from icmp_seq=0, time=2. ms
            64 bytes from icmp_seq=1, time=2. ms
            ----localhost PING statistics ----
            2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss ...

  9. Try out a file transfer to the DomainOS gateway.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # /etc/ftp eth_gate

     System response should look like:

            connected to eth_gate
            220 eth_gate FTP server (Version SR10.1-4.3 ... ) Ready
            Name (hp-ux_box:root):

 10. Create the "/etc/hosts.equiv" file.  It associates remote hosts
     with this system.  A number of ARPA services (rcp, remsh, and
     rlogin) access this file to identify "equivalent" hosts, whose
     requests for services should be honored.

     The file can be created manually, by SAM (System Administration
     Manager), or brought over via "ftp" from the DomainOS side.

     A. Using SAM:

        1. Invoke SAM (System Administration Manager) by typing:
                  # sam

        2. Select "Networks/Communications".

        3. Pick "LAN Hardware and Software (Cards and Services).

        4. Choose "ARPA Services Configuration".

        5. Select "Let Remote Users Bypass Password Security ...".

                -> Allows you to examine or change "/etc/hosts.equiv".

        6. Fill in the fields and then press the "Perform Task" softkey
           (F4) to save data and clear the menu for additional work.

        7. Exit SAM by selecting the "Main Menu" softkey (F2), followed
           by the "Exit SAM" softkey (F8).

     B. Using "ftp":

            #ftp eth_gate
            connected to eth_gate
            220 eth_gate FTP server (Version SR10.1-4.3 ... ) Ready
            Name (eth_gate:root):
            331 Password required for _______.
            230 User ______ logged in.
            ftp> cd /etc
            250 CWD command successful.
            ftp> get hosts.equiv /etc/hosts.equiv
            200 PORT command successful.
            150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for hosts.equiv
                (15,.14.212.84,1062) (359 bytes)
            226 Transfer complete.
            369 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (101.94 Kbytes/s)
            ftp> quit
            221 Goodbye.

     Example of a completed file:
        # cat /etc/hosts    localhost hp-ux_box eth_gate
        # cat /etc/hosts.equiv

These tasks are now complete.


Section II. User Accounts / Registry Services

Many UNIX utilities and services authenticate users
through their UID (user id number) and GID (group id
number).  It is advisable to have a unique UID/GID pair
for each user on your network.  For this reason, and
to make it easier on the user population, the UID/GID
assignments should be the same on all machines in your

Three methods exist for maintaining common user accounts
and passwords between DomainOS and HP-UX.  One way is
completely "manual" - files are edited, copied, and updated
on a daily basis (shell scripts and cron can help automate
this process).  The other two ways make use of software
products: Passwd/ETC, and NIS (Network Information Service).

Passwd/ETC is software that addresses the need for flexible
account management in heterogeneous networks.  DomainOS
users are familiar with Passwd/ETC as the system registry.
It implements a replicated user account system.  Registry
servers update the master database of user information,
and maintain consistency among the replicas.  Passwd/ETC
is available as an optional software offering for HP-UX

The Network Information Service (NIS) is a collection
of cooperating processes that centrally administer system
services.  NIS helps keep user IDs and group IDS consistent
among multiple systems.  It also maintains these files:
/etc/hosts, /etc/netgroup, /etc/networks, /etc/protocol,
/etc/rpc, and /etc/services.  NIS was formerly known as
YP (Yellow Pages).  It is included with the HP-UX operating
system.  It is NOT part of DomainOS - but will be available
as a special that can be used in conjunction with SR 10.3+
and SR 10.4.

Note: Maintaining common user accounts is only one half of the
work needed to supply "global login facilities" to your users.
"Global login" implies not only using the same user name and
password no matter what system the user chooses to sit in front
of, but it includes having access to their home directory from
every system.  Access to a user's personal files can only be
provided by the use of NFS (Network FIle System), to connect the
separate computer file systems together.  Please refer to section
III for help with NFS.

Reference Texts:


       Administering Domain/OS Registry (D-15363-B)

       Managing SYSV System Software (D-10851-B)

       Managing BSD System Software (D-10853-B)


       System Administration Tasks Manual (B2355-90003)

       HP-UX Reference (B2355-90004)

General Activities
  Decide which account management scheme you wish to implement.

  A. Manual - proceed with the remainder of this section.

  B. Passwd/ETC - contact your local Hewlett-Packard office
     to obtain this product.

  C. NIS - this option is available to you if your network
     includes other UNIX systems, and these systems are
     using NIS or YP.  In this instance, please skip the
     remainder of this section, and refer to:

         Installing and Administering NFS Services
           Chapter 7 - NIS configuration and Maintenance

DomainOS Activities
Reference texts:

  Administering Domain/OS Registry (D-15363-B)

  Managing SYSV System Software (D-10851-B)

  Managing BSD System Software (D-10853-B)

  1. Edit the DomainOS registry to clean up out of date
     accounts.  The "/etc/edrgy" tool was designed for use
     in setting up and changing registry information.

     Remember that UNIX systems validate users based on login name.
     A UNIX system has no facility to accept logins of the form:
     If you have multiple accounts in your DomainOS registry for an
     individual - determine which is their primary account, and keep
     only that one for inclusion in the HP-UX account list.

  2. Review the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files to insure
     that the corrections have taken effect.  An editor or
     the UNIX utility "cat" will let you view their contents.

  3. Make copies of the DomainOS /etc/passwd and /etc/group
     files.  These will be transferred over to the HP-UX
     machine to set up common user accounts.

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.domain
            # cp /etc/group /etc/group.domain

  4. Now edit the copies to remove "duplicate" accounts and groups.
     Use whatever editor you are comfortable with.  Duplicate means
     user accounts and group names that are currently in use on the
     HP-UX system.

     From the file "/etc/passwd.domain", delete all of the lines
     for these users:


     From the file "/etc/group.domain" remove the entries
     associated with these groups:


  5. HP-UX will not recognize "/com/sh" as a valid login shell.
     Change the shell entry in the "passwd.domain" file that you've
     just created.  It could be replaced by "/bin/sh", "/bin/csh",
     or "/bin/ksh".  (HP-UX will not allow a user with "/com/sh"
     as their login shell to login, the system will respond with
     the message "No Shell" and redisplay the login prompt.)

You have established the base of common users for the intergrated
network.  There is more work to be done - directions/guidelines
for establishing transparent file access, users access to their
home directories, etc ... are forthcoming in the remaining sections
of this handbook.  Remember the remaining feature needed to provide "global
login" capabilities is delivered by NFS.

HP-UX Activities
Reference texts:

  System Administration Tasks Manual (B2355-90003)

  HP-UX Reference (B2355-90004)

  1. Use ftp (file transfer protocol) to bring over the
     newly created "/etc/passwd.domain" and "/etc/group.domain"
     files from the DomainOS network.

     At the shell prompt, type:

         # ftp domain_box

     The ftp session should look like this:

         # ftp domain_box
         connected to domain_box.
         220 domain_box FTP server (Version SR10.1-4.3 ... ) Ready
         Name (domain_box:root):
         331 Password required for _______.
         230 User ______ logged in.
         ftp> cd /etc
         250 CWD command successful.
         ftp> get passwd.domain /etc/passwd.domain
         200 PORT command successful.
         150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for passwd.domain
             (15,.14.212.84,1062) (359 bytes)
         226 Transfer complete.
         369 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (101.94 Kbytes/s)
         ftp> get group.domain /etc/group.domain
         ftp> quit
         221 Goodbye.

  2. Now merge the two systems files together.  This can be done
     through the use of the editor - open up the existing /etc file
     and copy in the "domain" version at the end of the existing
     lines.  An alternative way to combine these two files with the
     "cat" command; it allows one to concatenate files together.

     At the shell prompt, type:

        # cat /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.domain > /etc/passwd.new
        # mv /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.old
        # mv /etc/passwd.new /etc/passwd
        # cat /etc/group /etc/group.domain > /etc/group.new
        # mv /etc/group /etc/group.old
        # mv /etc/group.new /etc/group

  3. Verify the newly created account base.

       A. Change to one of the newly added users, without
          getting out of the system,

          At the shell prompt, type:

             # login "user"

          The system should respond by asking you for the
          associated password.


       B. Log out of the HP-UX system.

       C. Log back in under your personal account, using the
          same passwd that you use on the DomainOS network.

          -->Note: Remember the user's home directory may not
                   exist on the HP-UX machine. After the system
                   accepts their user name and password, it will
                   display a message block that reads:

                   "Unable to change to home directory /user/star"

                   This actually is a GOOD sign - it means that
                   the workstation has authenticated this user.
                   NOTE: HP-UX will not let you into the system.

       D. It is possible to give all of the users home directories
          on the HP-UX computer, but NFS (Network File System) ser-
          vices will allow them to access their DomainOS network
          resident home directories.  Section III addresses NFS.

          If you still wish to give a subset of the added users local
          home directories, use the SAM utility to modify their
          personal information.

          1. Invoke SAM (System Administration Manager) by typing:
                  # sam

          2. Select "Users".

          3. Pick "View/Modify a User's Account Information".

          4. Fill in the fields and then press the "Perform Task" softkey
             (F4) to save data and clear the menu for additional work.

          5. Exit SAM by selecting the "Main Menu" softkey (F2), followed
             by the "Exit SAM" softkey (F8).

These tasks are now complete.


Section III. NFS (Network File System) Services

NFS Services allow multiple systems to share the same files.
It is an independent networking product, available with many
different operating systems.  Using these services lets users
access remote files as simply as they do local ones.

The DomainOS NFS product adds these components to the system:
     * Daemons - portmap, mountd, nfsd, damd (new in version 2.3)
     * Type managers

The HP-UX NFS Services product consists of the following:
    * NFS remote file access
    * Remote Execution Facility (REX)
    * Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
    * Remote Procedure Call protocol compiler (RPCGEN)
    * External Data Representation (XDR)
    * Network Lock Manager
    * Network Status Manager
    * Network Information Service (NIS)
    * Virtual Home Environment (VHE)

    A. client - any node or process that accesses a network service.
    B. server - any system that provides one or more of the network
                services.  Servers are passive; they always wait for
                a client's call before delivering their service.

NOTE: Some NFS Considerations

  1. Symbolic links on a Domain file system can contain special symbols and
     environment variables.  Such contents cannot be translated by an HP-UX
     system.  (e.g. variant links)

  2. The NFS protocol does not support or recognize DomainOS file types.
     If any Domain file (text or executable) is transferred to an NFS-mounted
     file system (on HP-UX or another UNIX box), that file becomes an
     unstructured stream of bytes.  If this file is copied or moved back
     to the Domain system, it's type uid is lost. You may still be able to
     run it. However, the "obty" command may need to be issued so that you
     can reestablish typing in order to correctly access that file.  If any
     UNIX file is transferred  to an NFS-mounted DomainOS file system
     that file does not change; it is automatically typed as an unstruct
     file on the DomainOS file system.  If this file is then copied or
     moved back to the UNIX machine, it will continue to be useable.

  3. A program executing on a UNIX system can access DomainOS files
     since the DomainOS NFS server uses the appropriate type manager
     to access the requested file.  A program running on a DomainOS
     system that expects to access and use unstructured files (i.e.
     type unstruct, coff, bitmap, and dp_dpd) can access files on an
     UNIX system.  However, a program running on a DomainOS system that
     expects to access and use files that are of types other than unstruct
     and its equivalents WILL NOT be able to do so through NFS.

  4. In order to provide smooth file access between DomainOS and UNIX
     systems through NFS, we suggest that DomainOS file and directory
     permissions follow the UNIX model and that the  user/group/org
     model be restricted to a user/group model.  DO NOT make use of
     extended ACLs.

Reference Texts:


        Using NFS on the Domain Network (D-10414-B)


        Installing and Administering NFS (B1013-91009)

        Using NFS Services (B1013-90008)


    Decide on the naming convention you wish to use for the
    imported file systems.  Example: /domain as the mount point
    on HP-UX systems for the entire DomainOS file system, and
    /snake on the DomainOS NFS gateway for the HP-UX files.

    This is important, especially if you will be integrating
    multiple HP-UX (or other non-DomainOS) systems into your
    network.  The naming scheme you devise needs to be "simple"
    - that is easily understood, easily extended, and easily
    maintained across different platforms.  Why? Because every
    workstation will have to NFS-mount the others file
    systems in order to deliver network-wide transparent file

DomainOS Network Activities
Reference text:

  Using NFS on the Domain Network (D-10414-B)

  1. Log into the DomainOS NFS gateway node and see if the
     NFS daemons are active.

     The command to see which processes are currently running is:

            # ps -aux     ( for bsd4.3 users)
            # ps -e       ( for sys5.3 users)

     The daemons you are looking for are:

         nfsd  (multiple copies of this particular daemon should exist)
         damd  (if you are running NFS version 2.3)

     If these daemons are active, proceed to step 2.

     If a subset of the named daemons are running, refer to the NFS
     manual for troubleshooting help.

     If none of these daemons are up:
          a) Check to see if they exist in the /etc directory.
          b) If so refer to the NFS manual for startup directions.
          c) If not, verify that the NFS product is available in your
             authorized area and install it.  Or obtain the release
             media and follow through with a full product installation.
             READ the NFS release notes before starting this effort.

  2. Inspect the /etc/exports file to assure yourself that the DomainOS
     file system access is as you want it.


         A) Open access to all DomainOS systems.

            # cat /etc/exports

         B) Restricted access to a specific directory.

            # cat /etc/exports

         C) Limit access to named machines.

            # cat /etc/exports
            /Domain_Network_Root    castor pollux

         D) Joint restrictions on directory and machine access.

            # cat /etc/exports
            /local_user      castor
            /dad_tools       pollux

  3. Issue the "/etc/ping" command to once again verify that
     TCP/IP connectivity exists between your DomainOS NFS gateway
     node and the HP-UX system you wish to share files with.

     At the system prompt, type:

            # /etc/ping hp-ux_box 64 2

     System response should look like:

            PING hp-ux_box: 64 data bytes
            64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=2. ms
            64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=2. ms
            ----hp-ux_box PING statistics----
            2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
            round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 2/2/2

     Incorrect responses include:

            PING hp-ux_box: 64 data bytes
            Timed out (10 seconds) waiting for echo reply
            ----hp-ux_box PING statistics----
            2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

     If the TCP/IP connection to the HP-UX system is down, refer to the
     DomainOS TCP/IP manuals for troubleshooting help.

HP-UX System Activities
Reference text:

  Installing and Administering NFS Services (B1013-90009)
     Chapter 3 - Installation
     Chapter 4 - NFS Configuration and Maintenance
     Chapter 9 - Troubleshooting

  1. Verify the existence of NFS Services software by displaying the
     contents of the /etc/ directory:

     At the shell prompt, type:

            # ls /etc

     These daemons and files should be there:

            biod      checklist  inetd.conf  netgroup
            netnfsrc  nfsd       portmap     rpc

     The NFS daemons are:
            biod - asynchronous block i/o daemon.
            portmap -  maps RPC program numbers into port numbers.
            nfsd - NFS server daemon that respondes to client file
                   system requests.

     The remaining items are:
            checklist - contains arguments for the mount command
                        to use upon system boot up.
            inetd.conf - configuration fiel for the inetd daemon.
            netgroup -  used in conjunction with NIS, to control
                        network wide access
            netnfsrc -  start up script, executed at system boot
            rpc - library of routines for remote procedure calls

     If any of the files are missing, template copies of these exist
     in the /etc/newconfig directory.

          At the shell prompt, type:

            # cp /etc/newconfig/inetd.conf /etc/inetd.conf
            # cp /etc/newconfig/netgroup /etc/netgroup
            # cp /etc/newconfig/netnfsrc /etc/netnfsrc
            # cp /etc/newconfig/netnfsrc2 /etc/netnfsrc2
            # cp /etc/newconfig/rpc /etc/rpc

  2. Configure NFS Services on this HP-UX system.

            manually - by editing the system files directly
            automatically - through the use of SAM.

     Choose your path and begin.

        -> MANUAL METHOD
        1. Edit the /etc/netnfsrc file to set this system up as an
           NFS server, an NFS client, or both.

           a) To make this system a server:

              Set the NFS_SERVER variable to any non-zero digit.

           b) To make this system a client:

              Set the NFS_CLIENT variable to any non-zero digit.

           c) To have this system act as a server for PC-NFS:

              Set the PCNFS_SERVER variable to any non-zero digit.

           d) Examples:

                Server only system:  NFS_CLIENT = 0
                                     NFS_SERVER = 1

                Client only system:  NFS_CLIENT = 1
                                     NFS_SERVER = 0

                Both server/client:  NFS_CLIENT = 1
                                     NFS_SERVER = 1

        2. Activate the RPC services by removing the # (pound sign)
           comment marks from all lines beginning with


           in the /etc/inetd.conf file.

        3. Check to see that the /etc/hosts file contains entries for
           all of the machines which might wish to NFS mount the
           HP-UX file systems.

        4. Create and/or edit the /etc/exports file to control the
           availability of the HP-UX file systems.

             a) Open file system access
                # cat /etc/exports

             b) Limited file system access
                # cat /etc/exports
                /home1     node_2345
                /home2     node_6789

        5. Reboot this HP-UX system to start all of the NFS
           daemons.  See ppendix C for instructions on how to
           shut down an HP-UX box.

           Once this HP-UX machine is available for use, log in and
           query the computer to insure the daemons are running.

           At the shell prompt, type:

                # ps -e

           Look for:  portmap
                    biod (multiple copies)
                    nfsd (multiple copies)

           If they aren't active, refer to the manual for troubleshooting

        6. Isssue a mount command to check out NFS conncectivity
           between HP-UX and DomainOS.

           At the system prompt, type:

             # cd /
             # mkdir domain_test
             # mount eth_gate:// /domain_test

           The desired system response to this mount command is:

             #               (system prompt)

           Incorrect responses are:

             A) /etc/hosts does not contain an entry for the DomainOS
                    mount:eth_gate not in hosts database

             B) NFS services are not running on the DomainOS system
                    mount: eth_gate server not responding:
                                    RPC_PMAP_FAILURE - RPC_TIMED_OUT

             C) Permission for access is denied this HP-UX box by the
                DomainOS system.  See /etc/exports for restrictions on
                file system access.

             D) Requested file system is not attached to the system.
                    mount: eth_gate:/node_1234: No such file or directory

           Now test out this connection.

             # mount
             / on /dev/dsk/6s0 read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21 1991
             /demo on /dev/dsk/3s0 read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21 1991
             /domain_test on eth_gate:// read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21
             # cd /domain_test
             # ls
             node_1234  node_12cfb  node_c5d8

        7. Insure that all exported file systems will be mounted
           at system boot time.  Place entries in /etc/checklist.

             # cat /etc/checklist
             /dev/dsk/6s0 /     hfs defaults 0 1 25721 25721 #root
             /dev/dsk/5s0 /usr  hfs defaults 0 2 16396 16396 #2nd dsk
             /dev/dsk/3s0 /home hfs defaults 0 3 28771 0     #3rd dsk

        8. Edit /etc/checklist to append the foreign file systems
           you wish to import.  This will insure that mount requests
           are issued at system boot.

             Hard mount:

               node_2345:/ /apollo/node_2345 nfs defaults 0 0

             Soft mount:

               node_6789:/ /apollo/node_6789 nfs soft 0 0

           Other mount options are detailed in the reference text.

              # cat /etc/checklist
              /dev/dsk/6s0 /     hfs defaults 0 1 25721 25721 #root
              /dev/dsk/5s0 /usr  hfs defaults 0 2 16396 16396 #2nd dsk
              /dev/dsk/3s0 /home hfs defaults 0 3 28771 0     #3rd dsk
              node_2dab:/dad_tools /apollo/dad_tools nfs rw,suid 0 0 8224

        SAM (System Administration Manager) provides an automated
        method for configuring your local system.

        1. Invoke SAM (System Administration Manager) by typing:

                # sam

        2. Select "Networks/Communications".

        3. Pick "LAN Hardware and Software (Cards and Services).

        4. Choose "NFS (Network File System) Configuration".

              ->This will bring up the menu through which you
                configure NFS Services.

        5. To allow this system to become an NFS server, select
                "Allow Remote Systems to Access Local File Systems
                 via NFS".

              -> This will set the system up as an NFS and
                 PC-NFS server.

        6. To ensure that this system is an NFS client, pick

                "Allow This System to Access Remote File Systems
                 via NFS".

        7. Set up the /etc/exports with "View/Modify Which Systems
                Can Access Local File Systems".

        8. Guarantee that the file systems you want to export are
           mounted at boot time through "Add (Mount) an NFS
                  File System".

        9. Exit SAM by pressing the "MAIN MENU" soft key and then
           the "EXIT SAM" softkey.

        10. Now activate the RPC services by removing the # (pound
            sign) comment marks from all lines beginning with


            in the /etc/inetd.conf file.

     --->> NFS Automatic Configuration is now complete.

  3. Reboot this HP-UX system to mount all of the foreign file systems.
     See Appendix C for instructions on how to shut down an HP-UX box.

  4. Once this HP-UX machine is available for use, again log in and query
     the computer to insure the daemons are running.

     At the shell prompt, type:

                # ps -e

     Look for:  portmap
                biod (multiple copies)
                nfsd (multiple copies)

     If they aren't active, refer to the manual for troubleshooting help.

  5. Now insure that the file systems have been mounted.

     At the shell prompt, type:

          # mount
          / on /dev/dsk/6s0 read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21 1991
          /demo on /dev/dsk/3s0 read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21 1991
          /domain_test on eth_gate:// read/write on Fri Jul 19 10:47:21
          # cd /domain_test
          # ls
          node_1234  node_12cfb  node_c5d8

General Tasks
  Testing out NFS:
                            ** TBD **

These tasks are now complete.


Section IV. Electronic Mail

The ARPA Services' internet mail routing facility is known
as "sendmail".  This daemon provides a modular mail routing system
that relays incoming and outgoing mail.  It interfaces with many
transport protocols to move messages from one site to another.

Sendmail must be installed in order to: deliver mail to other hosts
via SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) over a LAN (Local Area
Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network), route X.400 mail through the
X.400/9000 delivery agent, and to route OpenMail or X.400 mail with
the OpenMail product.

If sendmail is not installed, only local and UUCP (UNIX to UNIX
copy program) mail are available for system users.

Reference Texts:


        Managing BSD System Software (D-10853-B)

        Managing SysV System Software (D-10851-B)


        Installing and Administering ARPA Services (B1014-90007)

        Using ARPA Services (B1014-90006)

DomainOS Activities
Reference Texts:

    Managing BSD System Software (D-10853-B)
      Chapter 8 - Sendmail Configuration and Usage
    Managing SysV System Software (D-10851-B)
      Chapter 8 - Sendmail Configuration and Usage

    1. DomainOS contains all of the pieces needed to use sendmail.

       These parts are:
         /usr/lib/aliases - list of aliases for users that recieve mail
         /usr/lib/aliases.dir - created by the "newaliases" command
         /usr/lib/aliases.pag - created by the "newaliases" command
         /usr/lib/araproto.cf - configuration file for ARAPNET (TCP) sites
         /usr/lib/sendmail - executable file
         /usr/lib/sendmail.cf - sendmail configuration file
         /usr/lib/sendmail.hf - sendmail SMTP remote help file
         /usr/spool/mqueue - mail queue
         /usr/spool/mail - directory that contains invidual user's
                           mailboxes (text files)
         /usr/ucb/newaliases - bsd4.3 command
         /usr/lib/uucpproto.cf - configuration for uucp sites

       The supplied "/usr/lib/sendmail.cf" file should work correctly to
       direct and recieve mail between the DomainOS and HP-UX workstations.

        A. Then query the system for all supporting files.

           At the system prompt, type:

             # ls /usr/lib

           And look for:
             aliases     aliases.dir      aliases.pag     arpaproto.cf
             sendmail    sendmail.cf      sendmail.ht     sendmail.st

           At the system prompt, type:

             # ls -alg /usr/spool

           The response should look like:

             drwxrwxr-x    1   mail   1024 Oct  9 10:21  mail
             drwxrwxr-x    1   daemon 1024 Oct  9 10:21  mqueue

           With positive responses to these two queries, proceed
           to step B.

           If the files and directories are NOT on your system,
           update the installed software from the authorized area.
           Then continue with this section of the interoperability handbook.

       B. Now determine if this workstation is currently offering
          sendmail services.   Check for an active sendmail daemon.

          At the system prompt, type:

             # ps -aux | grep sendmail (for bsd4.3 users)
               ps -e | grep sendmail   (for sys5.3 users)

          System response might be:

             root     85  1888 256  ?   S   2.00    sendmail (from bsd4.3)
             85   ?   2:00   sendmail  (from sys5.3)

          If the daemon is running, proceed to step C.

          Otherwise, start up the daemon and verify the system wide alias
          list exists in a manageable form for sendmail usage.

             # cd /usr/lib
             # /usr/ucb/newaliases
               /usr/lib/sendmail -bi
             # /etc/server /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h &
             # ps -aux | grep sendmail
               ps -e | grep sendmail

       C. Test out local mail services.

          At the shell prompt, type:

            # date | mail -s "Sendmail Local Test" user_name

          A message similar to the following should have be received by
          the user specified as "user_name":

            # ls /usr/mail
            # cat /usr/mail/user_name
            From root@domain_box Sun Jul 7 14:08 CDT 1991
            Received: by domain_box
                     (16.7/16.2) id AA02697; Sun Jul 7 91 14:08:19 -0500
            Date: Sun 7 Jul 91 14:08:19 -0500
            From: root@domain_box
            Return-Path: <root@domain_box>
            To: user_name@domain_box
            Subject: Sendmail Local Test
            Sun 7 Jul 14:08:19 CDT 1991

          An entry in the /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog file should be logged for
          every transaction.  It will look similar to this:

            # cat /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
            Jul 7 14:08:19 hp-ux_box sendmail [2697] AA02697: from=root ...
            Jul 7 14:08:19 hp-ux_box sendmail [2697] AA02697: to=user_name ...
            stat=Sent, mailer=local

HP-UX Activities
Reference text:

    Installing and Administering ARPA Services (B1014-90007)
      Chapter 6 - Internet Mail Routing

    1. There are two ways to install and start mail services on this
       HP-UX system:

         Manually - by editing the system files directly
         Automatically - through the use of SAM.

       Choose your path and begin.

        -> MANUAL METHOD
        A. Create the working sendmail configuration file, known as
           "sendmail.cf", by copying a default version that resides
           in the /etc/newconfig directory.

           The supplied file routes mail according to the syntax
           of the recipient address.  It recognizes these forms of

              user@hostname              ( SMTP )
              user@hostname.domainname   ( SMTP )
              user@hostname.uucp         ( UUCP )
              hostname!user              ( UUCP )
              hostname!hostname!user     ( UUCP )

            At the shell prompt, type:

              # cp /etc/newconfig/sendmail.cf /usr/lib/sendmail.cf

        B. Make the sendmail daemon executable.

           At the shell prompt, type:

              # chmod 5555 /usr/lib/sendmail

           Verify this change:

              # ll /usr/lib/sendmail
              -r-sr-xr-t 1 root root 135268 Jun 28 17:55 sendmail

        C. Proceed to step 2.


        SAM (System Administration Manager) provides an automated
        method for configuring your local system.

        A. Invoke SAM (System Administration Manager) by typing:

                  # sam

        B. Select "Networks/Communications".

        C. Pick "LAN Hardware and Software (Cards and Services).

        D. Choose "ARPA Services Configuration".

        E. Select "Enable Network Mail".

           The system will come back and ask you:
               "Do you want to configure network mail? (y or n)
           Answer with: y

           Additional screens will appear and ask you for related
           configuration information.

        F. Exit SAM by pressing the "MAIN MENU" soft key and then
             the "EXIT SAM" softkey.

        G. Automated portions are now complete, please proceed to
           step 2.

    2. Edit the sendmail.cf file to reflect the needs of your
       organization.  There are directions embedded in it
       that can guide you towards the customization you will need.
       Also refer to the configuration file that you currently use
       on the DomainOS network for additional information.

       -->Note: Make sure that you enable the Postmaster copy, by
          uncommenting the line:


          This will insure that notification of any returned mail
          messages are sent to this system's Postmaster (usually root).

    3. Create a system-wide mail alias file.  It is used to match
       user's nicknames or aliases with their valid login names.
       Begin by copying over the supplied default file that resides
       in the /etc/newconfig directory.  Then customize the active
       "aliases" file to reflect those aliases connected with all
       users whose home directories reside on this workstation.

       At the shell prompt, type:

            # cp /etc/newconfig/aliases /usr/lib/aliases

    4. Build the alias database files that sendmail checks during mail
       routing.  The database files are:



              /usr/lib aliases.dir .

       --> Note: The sendmail daemon does not recognize an alias unless
           it is in the database files.  Every time you modify the
           /usr/lib/aliases file, run the "newaliases" command.

       At the shell prompt, type:

              # newaliases

       System response should look like:

              # aliases, longest # bytes, # bytes total
                (where # is replaced by a number)

    5. Check out the existing alias files.

       At the shell prompt, type:

           # ll /usr/lib/aliase*

       System response should look like:

            -rw-r--r-- 1 root sys  849 Jul 7 13:50 aliases
            -rw-r--r-- 1 root sys    0 Jul 7 13:50 aliases.dir
            -rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 1024 Jul 7 13:50 aliases.pag

    6. Start the sendmail daemon to receive mail and transmit queued

       At the shell prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q30m

       Verify that the daemon is running:

           # ps -e | grep sendmail
           2592 ? 0:00 sendmail

    7. Test out local mail services.

       At the shell prompt, type:

          # date | mailx -s "Sendmail Local Test" user_name

       A message similar to the following should have be received by
       the user specified as "user_name":

            # ls /usr/mail
            # cat /usr/mail/user_name
            From root@hp-ux_box Sun Jul 7 14:08 CDT 1991
            Received: by hp-ux_box
                     (16.7/16.2) id AA02697; Sun Jul 7 91 14:08:19 -0500
            Date: Sun 7 Jul 91 14:08:19 -0500
            From: root@hp-ux_box
            Return-Path: <root@hp-ux_box>
            To: user_name@hp-ux_box
            Subject: Sendmail Local Test
            Sun 7 Jul 14:08:19 CDT 1991

       An entry in the /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog file should be logged for
       every transaction.  It will look similar to this:

            # cat /usr/spool/mqueue/syslog
            Jul 7 14:08:19 hp-ux_box sendmail [2697] AA02697: from=root ...
            Jul 7 14:08:19 hp-ux_box sendmail [2697] AA02697: to=user_name ...
            stat=Sent, mailer=local

    8. Check out the inbound and outbound SMTP connections, by mailing a
       message to yourself in loop.

       At the shell prompt, type:

          # date | mailx -s "SMTP In and Out Test" root%hp-ux_box@domain_box

       A message similar to this one should be received by root at hp-ux_box:

            # ls /usr/mail
            root .... ..... user_name ....
            # cat /usr/mail/root
            From root@hp-ux_box Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 CDT 1991
            Received: from domain_box by hp-ux_box with SMTP
                    (16.7/16.2) id AA00277; Sun, 7 Jul 91 14:25:56
            Return-Path: <root@hp-ux_box>
            Received: by domain_box.ARPA ( 5.52 (84)/5.17)
                    id AA01621; Sun, 7 Jul 91 14:25:04 CDT
            Message -Id: <9112032128.AA01621@domain_box.ARPA>
            Received: by hp-ux_box
                    (16.7/16.2) id AA00274; Sun, 7 Jul 91 14:22:31
            Date: Sun, 7 Jul 91 14:22:31
            From: root@hp-ux_box
            To: root%hp-ux_box@domain_box
            Subject: SMTP In and Out Test
            Sun Jul 7 14:22:28 CDT 1991

    9. Now mail a message to a user on the DomainOS side of the network.

       At the shell prompt, type:

          # date | mailx -s "Test to Domain" root@domain_box

       A message similar to this one should be received by root at domain_box:

            # ls /usr/mail
            root .... ..... user_name ....
            # cat /usr/mail/root
            From root@hp-ux_box Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 CDT 1991
            Received: by domain_box.ARPA (5.52 (84)/5.17)
                    id AA01599; Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 CDT
            Message -Id: <9112032123.AA01599@domain_box.ARPA>
            Received: by hp-ux_box
                    (16.7/16.2) id AA00255; Sun Jul 7 14:22:00
            Date: Sun 7 Jul 91 14:22:31 cdt
            From: root@hp-ux_box
            To: root@domain_box
            Subject: Test to Domain

            Sun 7 Jul 14:22:28 cdt

    10. Consider mailing a message from the DomainOS side to the HP-UX
        side of the network.

       Login on the DomainOS machine.

       At the shell prompt, type:

          # bldt | mail -s "Test to HP-UX" root@hp-ux_box

       A message similar to this one should be received by root at hp-ux_box:

            Login to the HP-UX workstation.

            # ls /usr/mail
            root .... ..... user_name ....
            # cat /usr/mail/root
            From root@domain_box.domain_box Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 CDT 1991
            Received: from domain_box by hp-ux_box with SMTP
                    (16.7/16.2) id AA00255; Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 -0600
            Return-Path: <root@domain_box.domain_box>
            Received: by domain_box.ARPA ( 5.52 (84)/5.17)
                    id AA01823; Sun Jul 7 14:22:00 CDT
            Date: Sun 7 Jul 91 14:22:31 cdt
            From: root@domain_box.domain_box
            Message-Id: <9112032318.AA01823@domain_box.ARPA>
            To: root@hp-ux_box
            Subject: Test to HP-UX

                    **** Node 1.48888 ****   "//domain_box"
            Domain/OS  kernel(11), revision 10.3.5, June 18, 1991 5:09:31 pm

These tasks are now completed.


Section V. Task Broker

Task Broker is a network-based queuing system used to create a
cooperative computing environment.  It enables the
systems to work together to intelligently distribute their
batch workload.  This is a client-server application, with
both client and server workstations running the Task Broker
software.  After it is installed, a process called the
Task Broker daemon is started on each machine.  This daemon
runs continuously and does all the work of managing Task Broker
tasks and services.  Client systems send out requests for
compute cycles and servers respond.

Reference Texts:

    Task Broker Administrator's Guide (B1731-90003)

    Task Broker User's Guide (B1731-90001)

    ---> The same manual for both HP-UX and DomainOS

DomainOS Activities
Reference Texts:

  Task Broker Administrator's Guide (B1731-90003)

  Task Broker User's Guide (B1731-90001)

    This section assumes that the Task Broker product has allready been
    installed and started up on the DomainOS workstation.  If NOT, please
    refer to the instructions in the Task Broker Administrtor's Guide and
    the release notes included on the product media.

    1. Insure that the required daemon is running.  Look for "tbd".

       At the shell prompt, type:

            # ps -e | grep tbd   (sysV.3 users)
            # ps -aux | grep tbd (bsd4.3 users)

    2. Invoke the Task Broker administrative command "tadmin" to
       query the network for servers.  Issue the following tadmin
       command after the prompt appears:


       ->Note: Your search path should include /sys/tbroker/bin.

       System response should look like:

            # tadmin
            HP Task Broker Administration Rev: 1.01 6/26/90
            domain_box @ whoisup
            domain_box ( is serving:
            domain_box @ quit

    3. Execute the diagnostic service to test out communication with
       the DomainOS Task Broker daemon.

       At the shell prompt, type:

            # tbprod domain_box

       System response should look like:

            # tbprod domain_box
            PRODdomain_box started execution at "date & time" and completed.

If the DomainOS machine responds as noted, please proceed to the
HP-UX activities.

If the DomainOS system does not respond as noted for any of these steps,
please refer back to the Task Broker manuals for troubleshooting help.

HP-UX Activities
Reference Text:

  Installing and Updating HP-UX 8.05 (B2355-90000)
     Chapter 5 - Updating HP-UX

  Task Broker Administrator's Guide (B1731-90003)
     Chapter 2 - Install and Verify Task Broker

    1. Install the Task Broker software on this HP-UX system;
       in this one instance you will make NOT use of the UPDATE utility.
       All of the steps involved are MANUAL.


         A. Place the release media in the correct peripheral.

         B. At the shell prompt, type: tar -xvf /dev/rmt/0m
               (/dev/rmt/0m is being used to designate the DAT
                drive available for use, this device designator may be
                different on your machine.)

         C. Copy the appropriate package to the /tmp directory .

                 # cp /usr/tborker_hub/tbroker_700 /tmp/tbroker

         D. Run the Task Broker installation script.

                 # cd /
                 # /usr/tbroker_hub/install

             The system should respond with:

                 Verifying installation parameters...
                 Checking system information for Task Broker...
                 Adding tbroker to /etc/{passwd,group,services}...
                 Note: If you are running Yellow Pages make sure the
                       master copies of /etc/passwd, and /etc/services
                       are updated with the appropriate information for
                       Task Broker.
                 Creating Task Broker directories and files...
                 Unpacking installation package...
                 Installing Task Broker code...
                 Building configuration file...
                 Installing man pages...
                 Configuring for diskless systems....
                 NOT configuring for a diskless cluster...
                 Customizing configuration files...
                 Creating file 'TBROKER' for sysrm...
                 Cleaning up...
                 Please read the README in /usres/tbroker

             Incorrect responses may be:

                 Verifying installation parameters...
                 Checking system information for Task Broker...
                 Adding tbroker to /etc/{passwd,group,services}...
                 Creating Task Broker directories and files...
                 Unpacking installation package...
                 tar: usage tar [-]{txruc}[ONvVwAfblHhm{op}] [0-7][lmb]
                 ERROR: You have the wrong installation package for your
                        machine type. Or you need to select the "-mixed"
                        option. Please put the right package in /tmp/tbroker
                        or select the "-mixed" flag.  You have a 700 type
                        machine which is not in the package in /tmp/tbroker.

         E. Verify that the "/etc/services" file has the "tbroker" sockets

                 # tail -2 /etc/services
                 tbroker      1844/tcp
                 tbroker      1844/udp

         F. Check out the entry inserted in "/etc/passwd".

                 # grep tbroker /etc/passwd
                 tbroker:*:568:568:Task Broker:/users/tbroker:/bin/sync

         G. Search "/etc/group" for "tbroker" data.

                 # grep tbroker /etc/group

         H. Insure that "tbd" startup commands are in "/etc/rc".

                 # cat /etc/rc | more
                 if [ -f /users/tbroker/bin/tbd ]; then
                       echo "Task Broker daemon started."

    2. Start up Task Broker servies on the HP-UX workstation.

         A. Add "/users/tbroker/bin" to your search path.

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # PATH=$PATH:/users/tbroker/bin:   (for /bin/sh or /bin/ksh)
               # export PATH
               # set path=(..... /users/tbroker/bin .... )   (for /bin/csh)

            Also, modify your shell startup file to include
            this directory in your search path (or root's
            search path).

         B. Start up the Task Broker daemon.

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # /users/tbroker/bin/tbd &

         C. Make sure that the daemon is active, use the "ps" command.

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # ps -e | grep tbd

            System response could look like:

               146 ? 0:00 tbd

         D. Bring up the Task Broker administrative utility "tadmin".
            Use it to query the local subnet to see which systems
            are running Task Broker, by invoking the "whoisup"

            System response could look like:

               # tadmin
               HP Task Broker Administration Rev: 1.02 05/21/91
               hp-ux_box @ whoisup
               hp-ux_box ( is serving:
               domain_box ( is serving:
               hp-ux_box @ quit

         E. Test the Task Broker daemon that you just started on this
            HP-UX machine with the built in diagnostic service.

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # tbprod hp-ux_box

            Desired response:

            PRODhp-ux_box started execution at "date&time" and completed.

            See the Task Broker Administrator's Guide for troubleshooting
            help is you get any other response.

         F. Test the DomainOS Task Broker daemon with the diagnostic

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # tbprod domain_box

            Desired response:

            PRODdomain_box started execution at "date&time" and completed.

            See the Task Broker Administrator's Guide for troubleshooting
            help is you get any other response.

    3. Configure the TBMAIL link.  This allows Task Broker to send
       electronic mail messages to it's users.


          A. At installation time a link was made from the file
             "/users/tbroker/bin/tbmail" to a system mail handler.
             For HP-UX the default mail handler is /usr/bin/mailx.
             Check to see that this link exists.

            At the shell prompt, type:

               # ls -alg ~tbroker/bin/tbmail

            System response should look like:

               lrwxr-xr-x 1 tbroker 14 Dec 10:13
                   /users/tbroker/bin/tbmail  -> /usr/bin/mailx

            You can modify this to use any mail interface you wish.

               # rm /users/tbroker/bin/tbmail
               # ln -s <full_pathname_to_mail_handler> ~tbroker/bin/tbmail

          B. Test out the TBMAIL connection.  Make a small file
             named "testdata", and execute the following command stream.

               # cat testdata | tbmail -s "Test Message" <mail_address>

          C. Bring up the mail handler and look for this message.
             If it hasn't arrived, wait a few moments and try again.
             IF the message doesn't appear, please refer to section
             on electronic mail.

    4. Reboot this workstation to insure that the daemon start up
       commands you added to "/etc/rc" are working.

    5. Now it is time to add the services that this HP-UX system
       will be able to provide through Task Broker management.
       This is the most time consuming portion of Task Broker set up.

       You need to:
           A) Create/Modify the configuration file.
           B) Develop submittal scripts for the users.
           C) Update user's search paths so they can access
              Task Broker administration commands. (i.e. tstat)

       If you use Task Broker on the DomainOS network, you can
       bring over that configuration file and modify to suit
       this system's capabilities.

       Instead, if this is the first machine to run Task Broker
       in your network - refer to the manual:

         Task Broker Administrator's Guide (B1731-90003)
           Chapters 3,4, and 5

These tasks are now complete.


Section VI. OmniBack

OmniBack is a software product designed to provide file system
backup and recovery.  It was designed in a distributed fashion,
to share the work load incurred by file backups among multiple
systems.  (However, it can be run on one system to cover the
needs of the network.)  This means that different parts of its
backup and restore programs can run on separate systems.

Reference Texts:

  HP OmniBack Version 2.0 Software Release Document (B2146-90000)

  Managing Network Backups with HP OmniBack (B2146-90001 HP-UX)

  Managing Network Backups with HP OmniBack (01489-A01 DomainOS)

General Information
HP Omniback Version 2.0 can be installed in a mixed network of
machines that include any, and all, of the following:

         DomainOS Hardware              Operating System
         -----------------              ----------------
         MC680X0 Workstation
          Administrator Node            SR10.3 or later
          User Node                     SR10.2 or later
          (DN3XXX, DN4XXX, DN5XXX,
           Series 400)
         DN10000 Workstation
          Administrator Node            SR10.3.p or later
          User Node                     SR10.2.p or later

         HP 9000 Hardware               Operating System
         ----------------               ----------------
         Series 300/800                 HP-UX 7.0 or 8.0
         Series 400                     HP-UX 7.0 or 8.0
         Series 700                     HP-UX 8.01 or later
         Series 800 Business Server     HP-UX 7.06 or 8.0

This version of Omniback also provides backup/restore support for
NFS (Network File System) mounted file systems.  NFS mount points are
treated exactly the same as "regular" mounted file systems.

DomainOS Activities
This section assumes that the Omniback software has been installed
on your DomainOS workstations.  If it hasn't, please obtain the
necessary media, release notes and documentation.  Follow the
directions included in the associated release notes to complete the
installation of Omniback software.

Reference Texts:

  HP OmniBack Version 2.0 Software Release Document (B2146-90000)

  Managing Network Backups with HP OmniBack (01489-A01 DomainOS)

    1. Insure that a backup account exists.  The "nbsbackup" and "nbsrestore"
       programs are set-user-ID to root.  This means that these run with
       special root priveleges. The backup utility requires that valid users be
       identified to the system as "root" or a member of group "backup".
       The restore utility can be executed by users with or without root
       privileges; however, if this user is not a member of group "backup"
       this program will only run with the priveleges of that user - and
       items may not be restored.

    2. Now log back in using the Omniback adminstrator account.
       This verifies the connection to the backup account and it's
       home directory.

    3. Check up on the OmniBack software installation by determining
       the version of the installed programs.

       At the shell prompt, type:

            /etc/omniback/bin/dw -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/dr -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/mux -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/dmux -version

     The system response should be:

            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 26, 1991 11:54:31
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 29, 1991 10:47:41
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsrestore_ma (), built on April 26, 1991 10:59:59
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsrestore_ma (), built on April 26, 1991 11:05:46

    4. Run a trial backup session on the DomainOS side of the network.

       At the system prompt, type:

            cat /etc/omniback/work

       The response could be:

            VOLUME domain_box ip:domain_box / {-trees /domain_examples }

       Example, using the non-graphical user interface:

            # nbsbackup -tty -ma_host domain_box
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 26 ....
            Backup session on ip:domain_box, on Monday September 16 ...
            User:  backup   Group:  backup
            Worklist: /etc/omniback/work (Last modified: Sunday, .....)

    5. To verify that the backup media has the information you want, use
       the "nbscontents" utility.

       Example, referencing the above scenario:

         # nbscontents -input /tmp/omniback_example
         Media Volumne #1 of session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15
         Volume Label : ''

         Backup session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15 on ip:domain_box

           Operator: backup.backup

                DISK AGENT 1 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:domain_box
                        Mount point  : /
                        Backup name  : domain_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /domain_examples
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : Domain/OS
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:16
                        Disk agent ID: 293d65e2

                DISK AGENT 1 completed successfully.

         Backup session completed Monday, Setptember 16, 1991 18:15

    6. Now try to back up both HP-UX files and DomainOS files with the
       DomainOS data writers.  Here the HP-UX file system must be NFS
       mounted on the DomainOS side.  For reference this mount point will
       be refered to as: /hp-ux.


           # cat /etc/omniback/work
           VOLUME domain_box ip:domain_box / {-trees /domain_exaples }
           VOLUME domain_box ip:domain_box /hp-ux {-trees /hp-ux/etc/filesets }
           # .
           # nbscontents -input /dev/rmt/dat
           Media Volume #1 of session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15
           Volume Label : ''

           Backup session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15 on ip:hp-ux_box

           Operator: backup.backup

                DISK AGENT 1 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:domain_box
                        Mount point  : /
                        Backup name  : domain_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /domain_examples
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : DomainOS
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:16
                        Disk agent ID: 293d6fb5

                DISK AGENT 2 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:domain_box
                        Mount point  : /hp-ux
                        Backup name  : domain_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /hp-ux/etc/filesets
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : Domain/OS
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:24
                        Disk agent ID: 293d6fb4

HP-UX Activities

Reference texts:

  HP OmniBack Version 2.0 Software Release Document (B2146-90000)

  Managing Network Backups with HP OmniBack (B2146-90001 HP-UX)

    1. Install the Omniback software on this HP-UX system,
        using the UPDATE utility.


          A. Place the release media in the correct peripheral.

          B. At the shell prompt, type:


          C. Choose "Select All Filesets on the Source Media".

               This installs the complete set of HP OmniBack
               software.  HP OmniBack software includes two
               installable filesets.  The OMN_ADMIN set includes
               the Session Managers, Media Agents, Disk Agents,
               on-line manual pages, and a logging facility.
               The OMN-USER fileset only has the Disk Agents.

          D. Press the "Start Loading" soft key.

          E. Review "/tmp/update.log" for warnings or errors that
             occurred during the update.

    2. Make sure one of these daemons is active.

       At the shell prompt, type:

            ps -e

       Look for:

             "inetd" or "remshd"

    3. The login name of the backup account must be known by the
       local system.  It may either physically reside in the
       /etc/passwd file or be known in the NIS password file.

       A valid backup login account can be that of the super-user
       or any account that is a member of group "sys".

       To test this out, log out of the system and try to
       log back in using the backup login.  If this attempt
       is successful, proceed to step 4.

       -->Note: Remember the user's home directory may not
                exist on the HP-UX machine. If the system
                accepts their user name and password, it will
                display a message block that reads:

                   "Unable to change to home directory"

                This actually is a GOOD sign - it means that
                the workstation has authenticated this user.

       If you were unable to login using the backup login,
       add this account to the local system (can be done
       manually or though SAM).

    4. Insure that the backup account is a member of group "sys".
       Query the /etc/group file or the NIS managed group file.

    5. Guarantee that the backup account's home directory can
       be NFS mounted on the HP-UX system, or the HP-UX system 
       can have its own home directory for the backup account.

    6. Now log back into the Omniback adminstrator system using the
       backup account.  This verifies the connection to the backup
       acount's home directory.

    7. Check up on the OmniBack software installation by determining
       the version of the installed programs.

       At the shell prompt, type:

            /etc/omniback/bin/dw -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/dr -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/mux -version
            /etc/omniback/bin/dmux -version

     The system response should be:

            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 28, 1991 11:05:46
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 28, 1991 11:05:46
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsrestore_ma (), built on April 28, 1991 11:05:46
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsrestore_ma (), built on April 28, 1991 11:05:46

    8. Run a trial backup session on the HP-UX side of the network.
       You can copy over the existing DomainOS worklist and modify it,
       or create a new one.

       Be aware that worklist entries for NFS mounted volumes use the
       long form for volume specification.  Therefore all volume
       references need to be converted over to this type of reference.

       At the system prompt, type:

            cat /etc/omniback/work

       The response could be:

            VOLUME hp-ux_box ip:hp-ux_box / {-trees /etc/newconfig }  -LIST_DIR

       Example, using the non-graphical user interface:

            # nbsbackup -tty -ma_host hp-ux_box
            HP OmniBack 2.0: nbsbackup_da (), built on April 28 ....
            Backup session on ip:h-ux_box, on Monday September 16 ...
            User:  backup   Group:  sys
            Worklist: /etc/omniback/work (Last modified: Sunday, .....)

    9. To verify that the backup media has the information you want, use
       the "nbscontents" utility.

       Example, referencing the above scenario:

         # nbscontents -input /dev/rmt/dat
         Media Volumne #1 of session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15
         Volume Label : ''

           Backup session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15 on ip:hp-ux_box

           Operator: root

                DISK AGENT 1 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:hp-ux_box
                        Mount point  : /
                        Backup name  : hp-ux_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /etc/newconfig
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : HP-UX
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:16
                        Disk agent ID: 293d6a9d

   10. Now try to back up both HP-UX files and DomainOS files with the
       media on the HP-UX side.  Here both systems have Omniback software
       installed and both system's data writers are put to work.


           # cat /etc/omniback/work
           VOLUME hp-ux_box ip:hp-ux_box / {-trees /etc/filesets } -LIST_DIR
           VOLUME domain_box ip:domain_box / {-trees /install/doc } -LIST_DIR
           # .
           # nbscontents -input /dev/rmt/dat
           Media Volumne #1 of session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15
           Volume Label : ''

           Backup session started on Monday, Sept 16,1991 18:15 on ip:hp-ux_box

           Operator: root.sys

                DISK AGENT 1 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:hp-ux_box
                        Mount point  : /
                        Backup name  : hp-ux_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /etc/filesets
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : HP-UX
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:16
                        Disk agent ID: 293d6fb4

                DISK AGENT 2 : Started on Monday, Sept 16, 1991 18:15

                        Description  : Full backup
                        Agent host   : ip:domain_box
                        Mount point  : /
                        Backup name  : domain_box
                        Date         : Monday, September 16, 1991  18:15
                        Trees        : /install/doc
                        Application  : Omniback
                        System       : DomainOS
                        Manufacturer : Hewlett-Packard
                        Position     : 1:24
                        Disk agent ID: 293d6fb5

   11. Now try to back up both HP-UX files and DomainOS files with the
       data writer only on the HP-UX side.  Here the DomainOS file system
       must be NFS mounted on the HP-UX workstation, and the mount is called

       Example of such a worklist:

           # cat /etc/omniback/worklist
           VOLUME hp-ux_box ip:hp-ux_box / {-trees /etc/filesets } -LIST_DIR
           VOLUME hp-ux_box ip:hp-ux_box /apollo {-trees /apollo/install/doc }


Section VII. Printing Services

Printing is one of the most important services that can be offered
on your network.  The DomainOS workstation lets you choose between
three different "printing" services: Aegis, bsd4.3, and sys5.3.  One
or all three can be active on the machine at any given time - thereby
letting all of the users access printers from whatever user environment
they are comfortable working in.  Different considerations come into
play if you are interested in providing network-wide printing services:

     A) If the printers are physically connected to the DomainOS
        workstations - insure that bsd4.3 printing services are active
        on the DomainOS side of the network.

     B) If the printers are physically connected to the HP-UX
        computers - the easiest connection will exist if bsd4.3 printing
        is up on the DomainOS side; with Aegis style printing or sys5.3
        style printing is in place, then a special shell script to
        invoke a file transfer and remote print request needs to be put
        into place on the DomainOS machines.

Reference Texts:

  Managing BSD System Software (010853-A00 DomainOS)

  Managing Sys V System Software (010851-A00 DomainOS)

  Managing Aegis System Software (010852-A00 DomainOS)

  Printing in the Aegis Environment (011771-A01 DomainOS)
     NOTE: This manual will be obsoleted at DomainOS SR10.4.

  Printing in the Domain/OS Environment: System Administrator's
     Guide and Programmer's Guide
     NOTE: This manual will be released with DomainOS SR10.4.

  System Administration Tasks (B2355-90002 HP-UX)

DomainOS Activities
Reference Texts:

  Managing BSD System Software (010853-A00 DomainOS)
     - Chapter 6    

  Managing Sys V System Software (010851-A00 DomainOS)
     - Chapter 6  

  Managing Aegis System Software (010852-A00 DomainOS)
     - Chapter 2

  Printing in the Aegis Environment (011771-A01 DomainOS)
     - Chapters 2 through ??
     NOTE: This manual will be obsoleted at DomainOS SR10.4.

  Printing in the Domain/OS Environment: System Administrator's
     Guide and Programmer's Guide
     NOTE: This manual will be released with DomainOS SR10.4.

This document will not address setting up Aegis print services since they
are the most common set of printing services that may be in use today.

However, it does assume that DomainOS AEGIS and UNIX printing services
are installed.  Check through the "/install/baseline/baselinexxxx" file
on all nodes that will be used to issue printing requests.  If these
services aren't installed or available through links - install them.

In addition, you will need to install one other software product, if
your printer is an HP Laserjet:

      Laserjet version 2.0

To set up BSD4.3 printing services: 

    1. Insure that the local location broker daemon, "llbd", is active
       on each print node or printer client node in the network.
       The print and client nodes are those that will run the "lpd"
       daemon.  Checking this out may be tedious, since you have to login
       in to all of the workstations and check the running process list.

    2. Make sure that each system running the "llbd", automatically starts
       this daemon every time the machine is rebooted.  Look for the
       file "/etc/daemons/llbd".

    3. The BSD printing environment uses TCP/IP as its means of
       communications, therefore TCP/IP must be up and running.
       Use the "/etc/ping" command to contact all of the workstations
       that will use BSD printing services.  See section    for a more
       detailed discussion on setting up and checking out TCP/IP

       For example:
          # /etc/ping domain_box 64 2
          PING domain_box: 64 data bytes
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
          ----tcp PING statistics----
          2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss ...

    4. Verify that the TCP/IP hostname of each node that uses BSD printing
       services is mentioned in either the "/etc/hosts.equiv" or
       "/etc/hosts.lpd" file.  The system will check these files each time
       users issue print request to confirm remote access authorization.

    5. Connect the printer to the designated workstation, making sure that
       the communications and language modes on the printer are correctly
       set.  The installation documentation that came with the printer should
       be able to help with these settings.

    6. The "/etc/printcap" file is the database that describes the printers
       your network has access to.  This file may be local to each node,
       or linked off to a central copy.  Edit this file to update the
       supplied entries or to include a new entry of your choice.  On-line
       documentation for "/etc/printcap" can be found by pulling up the
       man page.

       Note: The central "/etc/printcap" copy should only be
       used for client nodes - nodes that do not have attached

       The supplied "/etc/printcap" file may look like:

         # Apollo /etc/printcap
         # isclee 06/09/88          Carry forward SR9.5 info
         # roc Thu Jul  9 13:25:35 EDT 1987       added lp26 info
         # this entry uses the transcript filter psof to process text and
         # send it to /dev/sio1
         ps|PostScript|generic PostScript printer:\
         # this entry uses the text filter lpf to process data and pipe it to
         # prf
         lp|line printer:\
                 :pc=/usr/apollo/bin/prf -banner off -text -npag -headers off:\
         # this entry is used to spool PostScript files to a Laserwriter via
         # the prf command
         ap|apple|apple laserwriter at domain_box:\
                 :pc=/usr/apollo/bin/prf -pr apple -site domain_box:\

       Basic definitions:
          br - sets the baud rate of the printer connection
          lf - determines which file logs error messages for this printer
          lp - specifies the port to which the computer cable is attached
          rm - names the remote computer to which the printer is attached
          rp - states the name of the printer on the remote machine
          sd - defines the name of the spooling directory to use
          sh - says to suppress printing a banner page header

       Note: There needs to be a colon at the beginning and end of each line.
       A backslash (\) is used to designate continuation lines.  Comments
       and blank lines begin with a pound sign (#).  DO NOT leave blank
       lines between printer entries in this file.

       An entry for an HP Laserjet III printer local to the DomainOS
       workstation might look like:

         # this entry used on a DomainOS node with only BSD printing
         # available and where the printer is directly connected to
         # serial port one ---> /dev/sio1
         ljet|Laserjet III|laserjet printer:\

      An entry for an HP Laserjet III printer attached to another
      workstation might look like:

         # this entry routes file to system node_1b0b6 for printing
         ljet|Laserjet III|laserjet printer:\

    7. Create a spool directory for the attached printer.  A unique spool
       directory must exist for each and every printer on the network.
       These directories reside as sub-directories to "/usr/spool/lpd",
       and have the same name as the printer to which they are tied.

       For a printer named "ljet", the spool directory needed is:

           # mkdir /usr/spool/lpd/ljet

       For client nodes: where the "/usr/spool/lpd" directory and
       "/etc/printcap" are linked off to another node - a file called
       "/usr/spool/lpd/servername" must be placed inside the linked
       "/usr/spool/lpd" directory.  This file should contain the
       TCP/IP hostname of the workstation running the "lpd" daemon.

    8. Stop any running BSD line printer daemon, "lpd".  Use the
       UNIX "kill" command to accomplish this.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # ps -ax | grep lpd

       If the system responds with something like:

          6126  ?     S       0:00      /usr/lib/lpd

       Then issue:

          # kill 6126

       Now start up the line printer daemon on each node to which a printer
       is attached or each client node that has a resident (not linked)
       "/etc/printcap" file.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/lpd

    9. Test out the printer configuration by sending a file to the newly
       attached printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lpr -Pljet /etc/printcap

       If the file prints successfully, you are done setting up BSD style

       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

   10. Finally create an entry in the "/etc/daemons" directory to insure that
       the line printer daemon starts each time the workstation is

To set up BSD printing in a mixed network (BSD to Aegis):

    1. Verify that Aegis printing works.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /com/prf /etc/printcap -pr "printer"

       If the file prints successfully, Aegis printing works.  However,
       when a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

    2. Edit the "/etc/printcap" file to include the "pc" option.  This
       option provides an interface between BSD and Aegis print services.
       It allows the BSD input device, "lpr", to direct the file to the
       attached Aegis printer.

       The "/etc/printcap" entry:

         ljet|Laserjet III|laserjet printer:\

       is modified to look like:

         ljet|Laserjet III|laserjet printer:\
                 :pc=/usr/apollo/bin/prf -pr lp -banner off -npag:\

    3. Create a spool directory for the BSD printer.

       For a printer named "ljet", the spool directory needed is:

           # mkdir /usr/spool/lpd/ljet

    4. For client nodes: where the "/usr/spool/lpd" directory and
       "/etc/printcap" are linked off to another node - a file called
       "/usr/spool/lpd/servername" must be placed inside the linked
       "/usr/spool/lpd" directory.  This file should contain the
       TCP/IP hostname of the workstation running the "lpd" daemon.

    5. Stop any running BSD line printer daemon, "lpd".  Use the
       UNIX "kill" command to accomplish this.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # ps -ax | grep lpd

       If the system responds with something like:

          6126  ?     S       0:00      /usr/lib/lpd

       Then issue:

          # kill 6126

       Now start up the line printer daemon on each node to which a printer
       is attached or each client node that has a resident (not linked)
       "/etc/printcap" file.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/lpd

    6. Test out the printer configuration by sending a file to the newly
       attached printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lpr -Pljet /etc/printcap

       If the file prints successfully, you are done setting up BSD style
       printing in a mixed network.

       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

    7. Finally create an entry in the "/etc/daemons" directory to insure that
       the line printer daemon starts each time the workstation is

To set up sys5.3 printing services:  

    1. SysV printing uses DomainOS mailbox calls as its communications
       backbone.  The mailbox server process needs to be active on each
       workstation that makes use of printing services.

       Verify that "mbx_helper" is active on all of the DomainOS workstations.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # ps -elf | grep mbx_helper

       The system response should be something like this:

          1 R user 1242  1 0  3 20  14  928  10:31:32   ?   /sys/mbx/mbx_helper

       Now insure that the mailbox server process starts automatically
       when the node is started.  The server process manager, "/sys/spm/spm",
       is the mechanism to accomplish this with.  Once you start "spm", it
       in turn starts up "mbx_helper" - and both continue to run.
       These lines in "/etc/rc.user" file must be uncommented:

          if [ -f /sys/spm/spm -a -f /bin/grep -a -z "`/etc/nodestat -c |
                  /bin/grep NO\ display`" ];
             (echo " server_process_manager\c" >/dev/console)
             /sys/spm/spm &

    2. Connect the printer to the designated workstation, making sure that
       the communications and language modes on the printer are correctly
       set.  The installation documentation that came with the printer should
       be able to help with these settings.

    3. Log into the computer as user "lp" to continue on with the rest of the
       needed steps.  Remember the default password for user account "lp"
       is "-apollo-".

       If an account for "lp" does not exist, please create one.  Instructions
       for creating accounts are in the DomainOS System Administration Guides.

    4. Configure the printer with the "/usr/lib/lpadmin" command.  This
       command is used to create and modify printer configurations.  The
       command takes the form:

       /usr/lib/lpadmin -pPrinterName -vDevice { -ePrinter | -iInterface |
                -mModel }

            PrinterName - is an alphanumeric string of characters and
                          underscores (14 or less) that users will use to
                          refer to this physical printer.
            Device - is the pathname to the special device file in "/dev"
                     that the designated file for printing will be written
            Printer - identical to PrinterName.
            Interface - sets up the printer interface software to be a
                        user-written program.
            Model - sets the printer interface up to be one of those supplied
                    with DomainOS, and located in the "/usr/spool/lp/model"
                    directory.  Here the exact name of the model entry needs to


          A. For a printer named "cx" using device "/dev/sio1" and model "cx".

                 /usr/lib/lpadmin -pcx -v/dev/sio1 -mcx

          B. For a printer named "lp26" using device "/dev/tty01" and a
             user-written interface program.

                 /usr/lib/lpadmin -plp26 -v/dev/tty01 -i/usr/spool/lp/lp26

    5. Set up the printer characteristics, which include I/O options -such
       as: baud rate, parity, and flow control.

       For printers attached to serial ports, the settings can be determined
       by typing at the system prompt:

           # stty -a < /dev/{sio1/sio2/sio3}

       The "stty" utility can also be used to set these characteristics:

           # stty < /dev/sio2 9600 ixon -ixoff -echo

       With parallel printer connections, the data is kept in the following
       file "/sys/node_data/etc/pio1.conf".

    6. Now start up the "lpsched" daemon.  It will route print requests
       through the specified interface to the printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/lpsched

    7. To get the printer to actually start accepting print requests, use
       the "accept" command.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/accept PrinterName

       The system should respond with:

          printer "PrinterName" now accepting requests

    8. The "enable" command is needed to cause files to be printed by an
       accepting printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # enable PrinterName

       The system should respond with:

          printer "PrinterName" now enabled

    9. Verify the printer setup.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lp -dPrinterName /etc/services

       If the file prints successfully, you are done setting up SysV

       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

   10. To ensure that the "lpsched" daemon starts at boot time, set up the
       correct stub file in "/etc/daemons".

       At the system prompt, type:

          # touch /etc/daemons/lpsched

To set up SysV printing in a mixed network (SysV to Aegis): 

    1. Verify that Aegis printing works.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /com/prf /etc/printcap -pr "printer"

       If the file prints successfully, Aegis printing works.  However,
       when a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

    2. Log into the computer as user "lp" to continue on with the rest of the
       needed steps.  Remember the default password for user account "lp"
       is "-apollo-".

       If an account for "lp" does not exist, please create one.  Instructions
       for creating accounts are in the DomainOS System Administration Guides.

    3. Stop any "lpsched" daemons that are running.  This stops more jobs
       from being printed, but allows users to queue up requests.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/lpshut

    4. Set up the model interface for the printer.  It needs to be one that
       will support Aegis printing.  The supplied models that support Aegis
       printing are: ge, p, and spin.  They reside in "/usr/spool/lp/model".
       It may be necessary to edit the model's "prf" command, this way it can .
       be customized to fit local conventions. (Note: model files are
       text files.)  Save the changed model under a new name to reflect the

    5. Configure the printer using the lpadmin command.


          A. For a printer named "cx" using device "/dev/sio1" and model "cx".

                 /usr/lib/lpadmin -pcx -v/dev/sio1 -mcx

          B. For a printer named "lp26" using device "/dev/tty01" and a
             user-written interface program.

                 /usr/lib/lpadmin -plp26 -v/dev/tty01 -i/usr/spool/lp/lp26

    6. Now start or restart the "lpsched" daemon.  It will route print
       requests through the specified interface to the printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/lpsched

    7. To get the printer to actually start accepting print requests, use
       the "accept" command.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # /usr/lib/accept PrinterName

       The system should respond with:

          printer "PrinterName" now accepting requests

    8. The "enable" command is needed to cause files to be printed by an
       accepting printer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # enable PrinterName

       The system should respond with:

          printer "PrinterName" now enabled

    9. Verify the printer setup.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lp -dPrinterName /etc/services

       If the file prints successfully, you are done setting up SysV
       to Aegis printing.

       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

   10. To ensure that the "lpsched" daemon starts at boot time, set up the
       correct stub file in "/etc/daemons".

       At the system prompt, type:

          # touch /etc/daemons/lpsched

HP-UX Activities

Reference texts:

  System Administration Tasks (B2355-90002 HP-UX)

Begin by connecting the printer to the designated workstation, making sure
that the communications and language modes on the printer are correctly
set.  The installation documentation that came with the printer should
be able to help with these settings.

Now use SAM to easily set up printing services on an HP-UX machine.

    1. Log in to the HP-UX workstation as root.

    2. Bring up SAM to set up printing services.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # sam

    3. Select the "Peripheral Devices" choice.

    4. Choose the "Printers and Plotters" option.

    5. This time pick "Add a local printer".

    6. Fill in or modify the desired fields, and then press the
       "Perform Task" soft key to have these selections set.

       A. Specify the printer name.

       B. Type in the printer model/interface name.  The "Help" soft
          key will display the available choices.

       C. The system will fill in the printer device file name.

       D. Printer priority can be skipped.

       E. Decide if this should be the system's default printer and
          set up this option.

       All other fields on this screen can be considered optional, so
       simply press "Perform Task" and let the machine do what it needs.

       SAM should respond by putting a highlighted box over this screen
       that will ask you to specify the printer device interface.  The
       "Help" soft key will bring up a list of choices, such as:

                       A - Built-in RS-232 (A)
                       B - Built-in RS-232 (B)
                       P - Built-in Parallel

        Highlight the line that you wish and press "Done".

        Once all of the system setup is complete, SAM will return to state

           Task completed.

           The printer has been added and is ready to accept print requests.

        F. SAM continues by putting up a window asking if you wish to test
           this device.  It will use the "lp" command to send it's own printer
           test file to the printer.

           If the test is successful, this will appear on your printer:

              SAM printer test...
              SAM printer test...
              SAM printer test...
              SAM printer test...
              Printer test complete

           However if you wish to test the printer connection yourself,
           simply type at the system prompt:

              # lp /etc/services

           When a print out does not show up on the printer, refer to the
           "/usr/spool/lp/log" file for more information.

HP-UX to DomainOS Printing Activities
When the printer is physically attached to the DomainOS side of the
network, it may be a relatively simple process to route printing requests
from an HP-UX workstation.  Remember - in every case cnetwork printing
connections will be easier to make and maintain if the DomainOS system
supports BSD style printing.

To route from HP-UX to a DomainOS system with BSD printing:

    1. Verify that the DomainOS printer is active, by sending a print
       request from one of the DomainOS workstations.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lpr -P{PrinterName} {PrintFileName}

       If the file prints successfully, proceed to step 2.
       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

    2. Use SAM to easily set up printing services on an HP-UX machine.

       A. Log in to the HP-UX workstation as root.

       B. Bring up SAM to set up printing services.

          At the system prompt, type:

             # sam

       C. Select the "Peripheral Devices" choice.

       D. Choose the "Printers and Plotters" option.

       E. This time pick "Add a remote printer".

       F. Fill in or modify the desired fields, and then press the
          "Perform Task" soft key to have these selections set.

          1. Specify the printer name that the HP-UX system will use.

          2. Type in the name of the DomainOS system that has the
             printer attached to it.

          3. List the name of the printer as it exists on the DomainOS

          4. Decide if this should be the system's default printer and
             set up this option.

          5. Ensure that you have said "yes" to the question: Remote
             printer on a BSD system?

          All other fields on this screen can be considered optional, so
          simply press "Perform Task" and let the machine do what it needs.

          Once all of the system setup is complete, SAM will return to state

             Task completed.
             The printer has been added and is ready to accept print requests.

          6. SAM continues by putting up a window asking if you wish to test
             this device.  It will use the "lp" command to send it's own
             printer test file to the printer.

             However if you wish to test the printer connection yourself,
             simply type at the system prompt:

                # lp /etc/services

             When a print out does not show up on the printer, refer to the
             "/usr/spool/lp/log" file for more information.

To route from HP-UX to a DomainOS system with SysV printing:

                       ************* Will not work ******************

To route from DomainOS BSD printing to HP-UX:

    1. Verify that the HP-UX printer is active, by sending a print
       request from the/an HP-UX computer.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lp -d{PrinterName} {PrintFileName}

       If the file prints successfully, proceed to step 2.
       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

    2. Ensure that the HP-UX system is set up to accept incoming
       print requests.   Three files need to be looked at:


       The DomainOS system's TCP/IP hostname must be one of the entries
       in "/etc/hosts" and "/etc/hosts.equiv".  In the "/etc/inetd.conf"
       file, this line must be uncommented:

       printer     stream tcp nowait root /usr/lib/rlpdaemon  rlpdaemon -i

    3. Issue an "/etc/ping" request to see if TCP/IP networking between the
       two system is active.

       At the system prompt, type:
             # /etc/ping domain_box 64 2

       The desired system response is:
          PING domain_box: 64 data bytes
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms
          72 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
          ----tcp PING statistics----
          2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss ...

       If this occurs proceed to step 4, otherwise refer to the section
       on setting up TCP/IP and the associated manuals for troubleshooting

    4. On the DomainOS workstation, the "/etc/printcap" file needs
       to be updated.  An entry refering to the HP-UX printer is



       Where {PrinterName} is replaced by the name of the printer on the
       HP-UX system.

    5. Create a spool directory for print files.

       At the DomainOS system prompt, type:

           # mkdir /usr/spool/lpd/laserjet

    6. Test the DomainOS to HP-UX printer connection, by sending a print
       request from one of the DomainOS workstations.

       At the system prompt, type:

          # lpr -P{PrinterName} {PrintFileName}

       If the file prints successfully, network printing is in place.
       When a printout fails to appear, please refer to the associated
       manuals for troubleshooting help.

To route from DomainOS SysV printing to HP-UX:

                   *********** TBD *****************


Section VIII. File Typing                  

        Domain/OS files are stored as typed objects such as unstruct, coff,
        and uasc while HP-UX does not support the concept of file types and,
        hence, cannot utilize the properties inherent in Domain/OS file

        HP-UX treats all files as streams of bytes, ASCII or non-ASCII.
        Files could contain object code, text, nroff,...; this is trans-
        parent to HP-UX.  HP-UX treats directories as regular files with the
        exception of not allowing them to be written to directly.

        Additionally the NFS protocol does not support Domain file types.
        If any Domain file is transferred to an NFS-mounted HP-UX file system,
        that file becomes an unstructured stream of bytes.  If any HP-UX file
        is transferred to an NFS-mounted Domain file system, that file does
        not change, and is an unstruct file on the Domain file system.

        A Domain program that is copied or moved to an HP-UX file system
        WILL NOT be executable from a Domain system.  If it is copied or
        moved back to the Domain system, it's type uid is lost, but you may
        still be able to run it.  An HP-UX program that is copied or moved
        to a Domain file system WILL be executable from an HP-UX system, and
        will be executable if copied or moved back to the HP-UX system.

        A program running on an HP-UX system can access Domain files since
        the Domain NFS server uses the appropriate type manager to access
        the requested file.  A program running on a Domain system that expects
        to access and use unstructured files (i.e., files of type unstruct,
        coff, bitmap, and dp_dpd) can access files on an HP-UX system.
        A program running on a Domain system that expects to access and use
        files on an HP-UX system that are of types other than unstruct and its
        equivalents will not be able to do so through NFS.  If it is a require-
        ment to be able to access files through NFS, existing Domain programs
        would need to be modified to handle unstructured files.

        If a user wishes to transfer Domain files to an HP-UX machine and,
        at a future time, return them to a Domain machine and retain their
        Domain properties, various system utilities can be used to 'wrap'
        the files in the a header that stores these properties.  After
        return to a Domain system, the other system utilities can restore
        the file set with their Domain propoerties intact.  These utilities
        include wbak and rbak, tar -A and -x, and ftp using 'binary' and
        'filetype' commands (see references below and on-line help or man
        pages for details of utility usage).

        Regarding file ACLs and their effects on access, smoother file access
        between Domain and HP-UX systems through NFS requires that Domain
        file and directory permissions follow the UNIX-model and that the
        user/group/organization model be flattened to a user/group model.
        (At this time, there is no method for automatic conversion between
        these two models.)

        NOTE that one exception to this case would be for DSEE files 
        transferred to an HP-UX node for manipulation.  DSEE requires
        that the organization field be present for proper DSEE operation
        when the files are returned to the Domain node for execution.

        Reference texts:

            Domain/OS - 

                Managing BSD System Software (D-10853-B)

                Managing SysV System Software (D-10851-B)

                Using NFS on the Domain Network (D-10414-B)

                Configuring and Managing TPC/IP Products (D-8543-B) 

            HP/UX - 

                How HP-UX Works: Concepts for the System Administrator

                Installing and Administering NFS (B1013-91009)

                Using NFS Services (B1013-90008) 

                Installing and Administering ARPA Services (B1014-90007)

                Using ARPA Services (B1014-90008)


Section IX. Single vs. Multi-processing     ** TBD **


Section X. NCS (Network Computing System)   ** TBD **


Appendix A:     Hardware and Software Configurations

    Appendix A1:  Minimum Hardware / Software Configurations
                  for Interoperability

                           ** TBD **

    Appendix A2: Typical Test Network Configuration

     A. Model 720
         32 Mbytes memory
         420 Mbytes internal disk (two 210 Mbyte disks)
         PVRX Graphics (19 inch monitor)
         External peripherals - 660 Mbyte disk
                                4MM DAT tape

     B. Model 425S (DomainOS)
         32 Mbytes memory
         660 Mbytes internal disk
         PVRX Graphics (19 inch monitor)
         Internal 1/4" Cartridge tape
         EISA Bus
         ATR Card

     C. Model 425S (HP-UX)
         32 Mbytes memory
         660 Mbytes internal disk
         PVRX Graphics
         HPIB Bus

  Software Information:
     A. DomainOS Products
        1. DomainOS SR 10.3.5
        2. NFS 2.3
        3. Task Broker 1.02
        4. Omniback 2.0
        5. C 6.8.M
        6. Fortran 10.8.M
        7. DPAK 4.1

     B. HP-UX Products
        1. HP_UX version 8.05 (on 720)
                 version 8.00 (on 425S)
        2. Task Broker version 1.02 (on 720)
                       version 1.01 (on 425S)
        3. Omniback version 2.0 (on 720)
        4. C/ANSI C Developers Kit for HP-UX 8.05 (on 720)
                                   for HP-UX 8.00 (on 425S)
        5. Fortran for HP-UX 8.05 (on 720)
                   for HP-UX 8.00 (on 425S)
        6. Network Node Manager version 2.0 (on 720)
                                version 1.0 (on 425S)
        7. SharedX for HP-UX 8.05 (on 720)
                   for HP-UX 7.03 (on 425S)

Appendix B: General Interoperability Hints / Features / Bugs

                         ** TBD **

Appendix C: HP-UX System Shutdown Procedures
There is a command that you can use to shut the system done.  This
command is called "shutdown" and it resides in the "/etc" directory.
It's primary function is to terminate all of the currently running
processes in an orderly and cautious manner.  It can also be used
to put the system into single-user mode.

"Shutdown" accepts a number of options to control its behavior.  To
learn about this command query the on-line manual pages or look in
the HP-UX Reference Manual, Volume 3.

However, there are four different scenarios that you might encounter
when you've decided its time to shut a system down.

Scenario One:
   You are sitting at the system, logged in, and VUE is running.

       1. Log out.

       2. At the login in panel, pull down the "OPTIONS" menu
          and select the "No Windows" choice.

       3. Log in to the system when the prompt appears.

       4. If you aren't logged in as "root", become superuser.

             # su
             passwd: (supply the root password)

       5. Change directories to the root directory, known as "/".

             # cd /

       6. Enter the command "/etc/shutdown -h 0" to immediately shut
          the system down.

             # /etc/shutdown -h 0

Scenario Two:
   You are sitting at the system, logged in, and X is running.

       1. Press these three keys to return to a no windows

             SHIFT, CNTL, and RESET

       2. If you aren't logged in as "root", become superuser.

             # su
             passwd: (supply the root password)

       3. Change directories to the root directory, known as "/".

             # cd /

       4. Enter the command "/etc/shutdown -h 0" to immediately shut
          the system down.

             # /etc/shutdown -h 0

Scenario Three:
   You are sitting at the system, logged in, and no window system is

       1. If you aren't logged in as "root", become superuser.

             # su
             passwd: (supply the root password)

       2. Change directories to the root directory, known as "/".

             # cd /

       3. Enter the command "/etc/shutdown -h 0" to immediately shut
          the system down.

             # /etc/shutdown -h 0

Scenario Four:
   You are remotely logged into the system.

       1. If you aren't logged in as "root", become superuser.

             # su
             passwd: (supply the root password)

       2. Change directories to the root directory, known as "/".

             # cd /

       3. Enter the command "/etc/shutdown -h 0" to immediately shut
          the system down.



Appendix D: On-Line Documentation

Since 1990, Hewlett-Packard has been providing system software
and documentation on CD read only media.  This CD-ROM solution
places HP's products at our user's fingertips.

The documentation on CD-ROM contains HP-UX operating system,
subsytem, and application manuals.  The current software
status bulletins (SSB) and applications notes are also included
for reference.  Media updates for the documentation sets are
released on a monthly basis.

A software product, known as LaserROM/UX is required to access the
on-line manuals.  It is included on every documentation CD.  This
document retrieval software will support multiple users.  (Licensing
is based on a per-user basis.  Contact your HP sales representative
to order this product and the appropriate licenses.)

To install the LaserROM/UX software, follow these directions:  

    1. Determine or set the SCSI unit number of the CD-ROM drive.   

    2. Log into the system as root, or log in as yourself and
          become "superuser". 

    3. Place the CD media in the carrier.  

    4. Insert the carrier into the CD player. 

    5. Create a mount point for the CD-ROM unit to attach to. 

           #mkdir /CD-ROM

    6. Issue the mount command to create a logical connection
       from the CD-ROM unit to the existing mount point.   

           #mount /dev/dsk/Xs0 /CD-ROM  

       where X is the SCSI unit number of the CD-ROM drive.  

    7. Change directories into the CD-ROM media's directory

           #cd /CD-ROM/UXINSTAL

    8. Follow the instructions contained in the README file.  
